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(Soon another day at school came)

Y/n: *got a text message from Lucas* Hm?

//Lucas: How was your morning going?//

//Y/n: Good what about you?//

//Lucas: Good//

//Y/n: See you in class//

//Lucas: See you there//

(The bell had rang and everyone started to settle in they're seats and place their phones on the desk Riley sat next to Kevin taking Maya's spot which Maya wanted her there)

Cory: *walk's in holding up his phone* You guys don't connect with each other it's like you can't exist without these you use emoticons rather than emotions you're an unfeeling generation of zombies *Riley and Maya start to mimick zombies with Riley pretending to eat Maya Y/n and Kevin quietly chuckles* stop eating her *the 2 girls sit up and another walk's in* you're late miss Myzell

Myzell: *blank face* My goldfish died

Cory: You see? This is what I'm talking about about miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss yet she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions

Myzell: 'scuze me? I am crying my eye's out I'm gonna have to leave class early *walk's out of room*

Cory: *impressed* Oh she actually made it out the door this time *open's door to let her in*

Myzell: *surprised* I actually made it out the door this time *takes her seat*

Riley: Dad adjust and deal cellphones have been around for like ever

Cory: It will amaze you to know that there was a whole world before you and cellphones

Riley: And it'll amaze you to know that I have 364 friends in here

Cory: And I'm amazed that you believe that *goes obtuse chalkboard grabbing a chalk and draw a line* this is a timeline of all human existence starting here is everyone who ever lived *was at one end* laughed loved and understood the value of life the cell phone era which begins right around here *drew a circle on the other end* pretty much destroys all that way to go you

Lucas: Sir if I may take a different position?

Cory: Yes save me Mr. Friar do I go too far?

Lucas: Always sir. I understand your point but I use my phone to video chat my old friends and to find out what's going on in Texas

Maya: Yeah How else can he keep tabs on all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?

Riley: Maya

Lucas: It's okay Riley I'm unaffected by Maya's views of country life as my uncle buster always says "be like an eagle and soar above the mockingbird"

Riley: You're the mockingbird

Maya: I know *face Lucas* it kills me that I can't get to you

Lucas: *cowboy accent* Sorry ma'am *tip is imaginary hat*

Y/n: Well Mr. Matthews, I use my phone for emergencies or if my parents call you would hardly catch me with my phone sir

Cory: See's *look's at Riley* I likes her's

Farkle: Farkle time sir?

Cory: Oh I love Farkle time *both switch place*

Farkle: With all due respect the history Mr. Matthews what's important to our generation will be on this side of the timeline when Farkle and Technology rule *walk's up to Y/n* And I will easily be able to make another one of you *take's her hair*

Lucas Friar x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now