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Y/A: Come on or you'll mist your flight

Kevin: Were just putting Luna and Fangs in there cage's

Kevin: Were just putting Luna and Fangs in there cage's

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Y/n: Come on guy's

(The 2 wolves go in there cage)

Y/A: Come on

(After a long flight to New York they made it in the airport once Y/n and Kevin grab there bag's and there wolves on leash then they see 2 elderly couple)

(After a long flight to New York they made it in the airport once Y/n and Kevin grab there bag's and there wolves on leash then they see 2 elderly couple)

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Y/n, Kevin: Grandpa Lu, Grandma Willa!

Willa: My grand babies

Lu: How was your flight?

Kevin: Long and-

Kevin, Y/n: Boring

Lu: Come on let's get you to home

(They take a cab they arrived at brownstone apartment's at room 27)

Willa: Welcome home

Lu: Go look at your room's

(The 2 walk's in there room's)

Willa: We left it the way it was when you left

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Willa: We left it the way it was when you left

Lu: We eve got Luan and Fangs new toy's

Kevin: *see's the happy wolves playing with there new chew toys* I think they like it

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