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(Soon John Quincy Adams School holds a play Y/n, Lucas and Farkle wear spear carrier Kevin steps out and walks up to Riley who lays on a prop)

Kevin: Eyes look your last arms take your last embrace and lips oh you the doors of breath *Y/n and Lucas noticed Farkle moving from his spot* seale with the righteous kiss

Farkle: *behind Kevin pointing his spear at him* Back off

Kevin: What meanest thou? Spear carrier... Who havest no lines

Farkle: You try to kiss my woman this I cannot allow prepare to die

Kevin: Farkle what are you doing? It's "Romeo and Juliet"

Farkle: Will now it's "Romeo and Juliet and Farkle" I play Farkle *Lucas and Y/n glance at one another*

Kevin: Dude I'm supposed to kiss the girl Shakespeare said

Farkle: *looks at the people in the crowd* Who thinks the spear carrier should finally get to kiss Juliet? *all clap Maya stood up from her seat*

Maya: Yeah you kiss that girl you crazy spear carrier

Farkle: Hark! *points his spear at Maya* you cometh uppeth here and getteth kissed too *the crowd cheer as Maya walks up to the stage Y/n quietly chuckled he face her* you too my fair maiden *points at Y/n she was surprised at first but walks over Lucas glared at Farkle the two girls join Riley*

Maya: *looks at Riley* How you doing?

Riley: I just don't understand how we end up in situations like this

Y/n: Well it is interesting for others to watch

(Soon wants to play ends Riley walks down the hallway earning applause followed by Maya who loves the attention followed by the twins who bow followed by Lucas that also bow once they reach the end he stood by Y/n then Farkle appear it went silent till Riley claps then I'll join)

Farkle: Thank you, thank you Farkle Nation

Y/n: Well that play was interesting

Lucas: Yeah it was

Kevin: Hey Luc would you like to join our family and friends for dinner this week?

Lucas: Sure sounds fun

Y/n: Will let you know if plans change

Lucas: Okay

Twin's: Bye

Lucas: Bye

(The next day in history class)

Riley: *notice something around Maya's neck* Nice locket

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Riley: *notice something around Maya's neck* Nice locket

Maya: You likey?

Cory: If history's about discovering the truth of what happened in the past we spent some time finding out what truth is

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