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(Y/n and Kevin woke up and got ready for school)

Lu: Hey me and gran have a doctor appointment so we will be home late

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Lu: Hey me and gran have a doctor appointment so we will be home late

Y/n: Okay

Willa: But have a good day at school

Kevin: See you later

Y/n: Bye

Lu, Willa: Bye

(The twins exist and they walked down the hall and see Maya and Farkle)

Kevin: Hey guy's

Farkle: Hey

Y/n: Where you off to?

Maya: Picking up Riley what about you guys?

Kevin: School

Farkle: Well see you there

Y/n: Can't wait

(The 2 got to school)

Ash: Sup twins

Kevin: Hey guys-

Missy: Hey Kevin *the group look's at her as she grabs Kevin's arm*

Kevin: Uh hi?

Missy: I wanted to talk to you real quick about Mr. Matthews assignment

Kevin: Uhm okay *she takes him away*

Y/n: Who she?

Freya: We call her a pick me girl

Edan: She flirts with the guys here at school

Aubree: You might want to be careful with her Y/n *they see Missy talking to Kevin and showing signs of flerting* she's like a poisonous snake

Y/n: Well if she hurt Kev I won't hesitate to show my fang's *walk's away she walk's by the lockers and see Riley and Maya leaning against the lockers sitting on the ground she squats meeting their eyes* you saw?

Maya: Yeah

Riley: When did this happen?

Y/n: Not too long ago

Riley: Can you do something about it?

Y/n: If she crosses the line yeah... You bet *Riley smiled*

(Soon class started)

Cory: Sneak attack December 7th 1941

Farkle: "A date which will live in imfamy"

Riley: A date? *look's over to see Missy still talking with Kevin* They're going on a date? In Italy?

Maya: No honey you're in history

Riley: I'm history?

Maya: Okay put your hand up *raised Riley's hand for her*

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