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(The next day at school Y/n walk down the stairs to see Riley and Maya)

Y/n: Hey guy's what's up?

Riley: Y/n! *grab Y/n and pulls her to join her and Maya* pretty boy is handing invitations to the membership of the popular club

Y/n: You mean a party?

Maya: See even Y/n calls it a party

Riley: Well we know Maya will get the invitation and become popular except for me

Y/n: Who cares about being popular

Riley, Maya: I do/she does

(Soon the "pretty boy" walks up to the three girls holding two invitations to Riley and Y/n which Y/n except as Riley just pushed it away but it was offered to her once again the boy not Riley smiles and accepts the invitation the boy walks)

Riley: Yay! For me *Y/n giggles* Maya I know you didn't get invited but is it okay if I'm really happy?

Maya: You go get 'em tiger

(Riley jumps up in the air and dances away making Y/n smile Maya looks at Y/n)

Maya: I love her but... She's a lot of work *dances after*

(Soon once history class begins Riley goes up to her father placing invitation on his desk)

Riley: Boom!

Cory: *looks at the invitation* You got invited to something?

Riley: So much for genetics baby

Cory: Oh 7th grade party yep I didn't get invited to a whole lot of those... Good for you I'm proud of you, boy girl party?

Riley: Yup

Riley, Cory: You can't go *the twins quietly chuckled*

Maya: May I approach?

Riley, Cory: Hurry please*Maya stand's next to Riley*

Maya: I'm going to keep your youngin out of trouble sir

Cory: Hart, you are trouble why would I want my youngin anywhere near the same party you're gonna to be at?

Maya: You wouldn't, say it you know you wanna say it

Cory: You can't go if Maya's invited

Riley: *looks at Maya seeing she's pointing at her* Maya's not invited

Maya: *looks all Riley* Then you may go

Riley: *looks back at Maya* Thanks Daddy

Maya: *face the rest of the class* All right good day everybody class dismissed *some begin to stand up*

Cory: Sit down

Riley, Maya: Sit down

Y/n: If it makes you feel better sir I was invited

Cory: Oh very much *Riley and Maya looks at him* me trusts her *once all was seated* so there's this guy Damocles who really really wants to be king one day he gets an invitation to come sit on the throne and actually hang with royalty

Riley: No *points at Cory*

Maya: 'Sup Rules? Pops lesson hitting a little to close to home?

Riley: Nope what he's saying has nothing to do with me yes I've been invited to hang with Middle School royalties along with Y/n but nothing bad could happen

Cory: I'm sure you're right, Farkle

Farkle: When Damocles sat on the throne he noticed a sword hanging over it held up by a single tiny thread

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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