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Jesses pov:
„Stop compressions, analyzing rhythm, no rhythm found, continue compressions." The machine yet again said as my whole life slowly begins to slip out of my own body as I can't do anything except watch as my friends and family do their best to safe my baby girls life.
„Alex ya better start to cooperate or so help me god!" Marco tells my still unresponsive baby sis.

„Stop compressions, analyzing rhythm, shock advised, stay away from the patient and shock." the machine suddenly says as Hoppo pushes my hands off of my sisters head to stop me also from touching.

„Giving shock, please control for heart beat, if there is non, start compressions." we all hear in anticipation as Marco quickly touches her neck to see if there is any heartbeat.

„There is a heartbeat, still no breathing." he says as Hoppo right away starts to ventilate her lunges as I simply hold her hand in mine as the tears still keep on running down my face without a care.
Marco right away takes his stethoscope and listens on my baby girls lungs before nodding in slight relieve. That relief however was very short lived, since only seconds later he touches her throat and afterwards flashes his light into her mouth with a murmured curse under his breath.
„Lungs seem to work just fine, her throat however is very swollen. So to ensure a safe air way, I need to intubate her right away before she completely swells shut." he explains as he looks at me in question if he is allowed to do just that. Obviously I nod my head in agreement without much thought into it. The only important thing is that she indeed will survive this! No matter what! She needs to come out of this alive!
„To do that, I also need to put her into a medication induced coma. Otherwise she might wake up during the treatment and that is not what anyone wants nor would it be safe." he further on explains. His eyes yet again solely focused on mine to quietly ask for my permission to still keep on doing everything he just said. And like before, I once again nod my head in agreement. He after all knows what he needs to do to help my lovely sweet cheeks.
„Hold that for a second." he says and hands me the tube that will be going down my baby sis throat to keep her breathing and alive. I watch as he carefully fills a syringe with a few different medications before he sighs deeply. This surely isn't that easy for him either, Alex after all has pretty much grown up with him as her second brother as well. So he, just like me, is currently working on his little sis.
„Alright, pushing in the medication." he says and shortly after takes the tube I had been holding for him out of my hands and after another deep breath, he pushes it down her throat and into her lungs to help her breathing.
„Checking for ventilation." he says as he yet again listens to her lungs as Hoppo ventilates them.
„Sounds good, I am going to push some fluids into her and then we should get her as fast as possible to the hospital." he says in reassurance as he pulls me into a quick hug.
„She is a tuff one." Marco tells me in a whisper as I simply squeeze him against me a bit tighter before we let go once again.
„Doc to chopper, ready for pick up. Patient stabile after reanimation and intubation. Still not out of critical condition so air lift is highly advised." Marco professionaly tells his team as I lean forward and kiss my baby girls forehead lovingly.
„I love ya baby girl." I tell her and kiss her head yet again. Just like I have been doing for as long as I can remember.
„Ready to pick ya up Doc. Sankt Vincent is already informed and waiting for Lexa, so get ready for pick up." someone from his helmet says as he quickly packs up his back pack.
„Copy mate! Ready whenever you are pilot." he reply's with a chuckle as the chopper right away appears over top of us again.
„Winch along with the bed is on its way." yet another one tells us.
„Ya don't drive yourself, ya hear me bra?!" Marco asks after we softly place my baby sis on the bed. We obviously double check that she is secured on it before Marco clips himself onto the winch as well.
„Copy bra. Just make sure she gets there safely." I reply as he right away salutes in answer. Afterwards he carefully takes the ventilator out of Hoppos hands.
„Take care of him, will ya?" he quietly asks him, thinking I won't hear him as he slowly starts to get lift off the beach along with my baby sis. When the both of them get safely pulled into the chopper, my body finally gives in as I sink on my knees and begin to throw up everything that had been in my gut.
„Jesse? Oi, mate!" Stephen shouts out as he crouches down next to me. His eyes wide and fearful of what might be wrong with me.
„Buddy, hey. Do me a favor and take some deep breaths for me." Hoppo instructs as he softly takes my head in his hands to make me look at him. Since I still have trouble to breath regularly, he softly takes one of my hands and holds it against his chest. The rhythmical heartbeat that thumbs under my hand seems to indeed calm my nerves slowly.
„And now we take a deep breath, you can do it Jesse, come on." Hoppo encourages and so I do as instructed and breath in deeply. My lungs burning in need of oxygen that is now finally flowing through them again.
„There we go. Let's do that once again." he says and this time it indeed is easier as the first time. Hoppo keeps on encouraging me to take a few more deep breaths before he sighs in relief.
„That's it buddy, just keep on breathing for us, alright?" he tells me and squeezes my shoulder in a silent show of affection. At least I think that's what it means.
„We got her stabilized, that's something very important! So try and think of that instead of falling into a panic. Marco was positiv that she will be alright, so let's focus on that. Ok?" Hoppo future says as I slowly nod along. He after all is indeed right. Marco was sure that she will be fine, so there is no reason for me to think otherwise.
„Why don't we get onto the rhino and drive up to the tower? And after figuring out who can take over our shifts, I drive you to the hospital." he offers and I right away shake my head. Not wanting for him to leave his shift along with me. Feeling already worse enough for leaving them hanging, yet I need to be with my baby girl.
„None of that Jesse. I promised Alexandra to look after you and Marco also asked me to look after you. I might also remind you that you yourself agreed that you won't drive your own vehicle, so come on. The sooner we find someone that takes over your shift, the sooner we can get you to the hospital." he simply states. Not acknowledging my disagreement any further than that, yet I also am not feeling like starting an argument with him. I after all am not at all fit enough to do anything like that to be honest. So I simply allow him and Yak to place me into the rhino to drive back up to the tower.
„Hey, can I hand you Alex's backpack? She might need her phone or anything else in there." I can hear Stephen ask somebody, my guess would be harries. Hoppo after all is still sitting right next to me with an arm around my shoulder in comfort.
„Yeah of course mate! Thanks for the help, by the way." Harries seriously thanks him. It honestly is so damn weird to hear him being serious when he usually always is the funny guy.
„Should we store her board also?" he asks as my breathing right away staggers in worry. Her board means so much to her, what if it got destroyed? Oh my gosh she is going to be devastated if she looses her very first surf board I bought her.
„Hey, hey, hey. None of that bud. I promise we will take every problem or worry at a time, but for now I need you to keep on breathing calmly for me." Hoppo right away steps in and stops my new worrying thoughts. How he is this focused and familiar with my breathing pattern, no idea, but I do know that I am very thankful that he is. So after a few more breathing exercises, we make our way up the beach towards the tower.

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