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Jesses pov:
The day has surprisingly gone by rather fast. Between a few naps against dad and telling him some more stories of my baby sis and I along with some visits from Marco and dr king in between. Hoppo even called Reidy if he would be able to deliver us some food which he happily did. He after all has texted dad around 10 am to inform him that he is off work for the day and that he should simply call or text, if he should help us in any way or form. At first I was rather hesitant to let Hoppo leave my side, afraid he might won't come back, but dad quickly reassured me that he won't ever leave and that he simply goes to get the food from Reidy. He did try to come in, but the security's wouldn't allow him to, so Hoppo directed him towards the same delivery entry we entered through, where he then picked it up himself. A bit later, dad explains to me how the security guards asked him to please inform them of who might deliver things for us, so in the future they know that they also are allowed to enter. So that's exactly what we did after we ate the amazingly tasting subs Reidy had brought for us.
Obviously we don't want to write too many people on the list, firstly to not make their work any harder as it already is, and secondly to ensure that no one could use that to their advantage. That's why we in the end decided to put Deano, Harries and Maxi on it. We also made sure to ask those three if they were even fine with it beforehand. I after all don't want to inconvenience either of them. Unbelievably Deano called dad the second he heard we asked Harries about it and funnily enough demanded that he also wants to be able to bring some food over. He even explained that he will send his wife after us if we decline, since she already informed him about the fact that she is going to cook for us until further notice, which is incredible sweet of her!
So after that was decided and arranged, Hoppo printed out a picture of each of them to make it even easier for the security guards. Like always thinking farther ahead again, which is something I find rather smart of him and look up to immensely.
„Maybe we should bring some sweets with us tomorrow." I whisper in thought. Dad simply watches me, encouraging me to further explain what I mean by that thought.
„I mean for the security guards." I softly say as Hoppo smiles, slowly seeming to catch up with what I mean.
„They really do their best to guard the entry's, yet still try to make our life's easier, even if that in itself is an inconvenience for their job." I finish my thought process. Seeing dad smiling even wider at me relaxes me slightly. It after all shows me that he as well thinks of it as a good idea.
„That's a good idea buddy. Hopefully they then see and understand that we indeed appreciate all their efforts as well as their hard work." he says, sounding rather proud that I would even think of something like that. My body right away fills with warmth alone by the possibility that he indeed is proud of me. The feeling after all still pretty unfamiliar for me to say the least.
„Why don't we stop by the small bakery near my house on our way home today? Then we can already order everything for tomorrow morning?" he further questions, to which I right away nod my head in agreement. Absolutely loving the idea, after all I know how incredibly tasty all of their pastries and sweets in general are. Even more so if they are freshly out of the oven.
„My baby sis always told me that the right way to saying thank ya, is with something sweet and delicious." I tell dad as I smile lovingly at said baby sis. Remembering how she has beamed at me as she informed me on that matter. She has been baking for hours back then, adamant to show her team how much she appreciates all their hard work and effort they had put into her tour back then. And let me tell you, her baking is exquisite to say the least!
„That sounds pretty sweet of her buddy." dad says. His eyes also automatically fall on my sadly still unmoving sweet cheeks.
„I can't wait for her to finally wake up, so I can truly meet her. Even thought I must say I feel as if I already know her from everything you have already told me about her." he adds softly. Melting my heart even further. Alone the imagination of how he surely will embrace my baby sis in his strong arms and welcome her into his family just like he did with me, has my eyes fill with tears of joy. Not only because I can't wait to see her with her eyes wide open again, but also because I know how incredibly much it will mean to her to finally be a part of a real family. A family with a real dad! One that she finally will be able to call dad without a care and without a feeling of despair. A dad that will protect and love on her just as she deserves!
„She is going to be really happy to meet ya in person as well. Even more so when ya tell her that she from now on can officially call ya dad." I tell him shyly. Still pretty astonished that he in fact wants the both of us to keep on calling him dad. The comforting squeeze of his hand on mine makes me smile shyly at him.
„Still can't believe that ya really are fine with that." I tell him as he simply pulls me into a hug yet again. The warmness spreads throughout my whole body as every worry instantly vanishes. No idea how he keeps on doing it, but at the end of the day I can't bring myself to care. It just feels way too good to keep on questioning it.
„More than fine with it buddy." he whispers and tenderly kisses my forehead in a true dad fashion.
„Over the moon happy to finally being able to call you my son and even further finding a daughter as well." he keeps on whispering as I instinctively hug myself even closer into his body. Only yesterday I thought that this won't ever be a possibility, yet my dad simply keeps on spreading his arms apart to allow me to cuddle myself into him whenever I need, or simply want to.
„Thanks dad." I softly state. More than simply meaning it!
„welcome son." he just as softly reply's. My heart completely full with love and adoration for the man that took my baby sis and I in without an afterthought. Now only my princess needs to wake up to make my life absolutely perfect!

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