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"Name the time and place. Xx" Where should I take her? First dates were often tough to negotiate but with Hannah, something was different. She was special. It was a feeling like no other I had ever experienced. I didn't know if Nandos was too low key but I also didn't know if we went to somewhere more posh it would add on unnecessary pressure and make me seem too keen. I struggled with this dilemma until I decided there was one person who truly knew who I could go to for help without being mocked. James.

"James?!" I called through the tour bus. He came into the area where I was, sweat glistening on his skin post his daily gym routine. "Sup Brad?" He spoke as he glugged some water from his water bottle. "It's er..." I began, gathering my words together and attempting to string them together in a coherent sentence. "Let me guess," James interrupted "you don't know where to take Hannah on your first date." I looked down at the floor. "Hey don't worry, it's a problem every time...but if in doubt, Nandos." I nodded. "Are you sure?" He nodded back.

"Thank you so much James, I knew you'd tell me to do the right thing." James patted me on the back. "No worries."

"I'll pick you up at 7 xx" I texted back.

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