Chapter Seven

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Go ahead. Slap me in the face. I deserve it for keeping you hanging so long.

Well anyway, I figured it's about time I finally added a bit of real SoKi into this xD And you all deserve a break from all the depression and crying that's been occurring in the comments section soooo... :3

Enjoy this nice chapter of fluff!


Lover Boy and the Patient: Why Don't We Hang Out, Just You And Me?

Third Person POV

Sunlight streamed in through the Infirmary windows, illuminating the single patient who lay fast asleep on one of the beds. Crimson eyes had remained trained on the patient since early this morning when he came in for a visit. Not even the nurse had arrived yet, but that was completely fine to the white haired scythe.

Kid's breathing was steady at the moment, but just an hour before he had been twisting and turning in his sleep, hyperventilating and mumbling disturbing things that Soul would never dare repeat.

"I'm so sorry, Kid. Maybe if I had gotten there sooner, I might have known who did this to you," He whispered more to assure himself than the unconscious boy before him. Soul expected the silence he received in reply, yet he still found himself fidgeting in his seat.

The sound of a door opening behind him startled Soul and caused him to jump. He relaxed as Nygus entered the room and turned back towards Kid.

"Oh, good morning Soul. It's nice to see you visiting your friend there," the woman greeted cheerfully, setting her things down on the desk in the corner of the room. Soul simply nodded and let out a sigh.

"Wish he'd wake up though."

"I'll tell him you dropped by, dear. Why don't you go enjoy your Saturday, hmm? You've already spent an awful lot of time here with Kid."

Soul remained silent for a moment, then decided it was for the best and nodded. As he got up to leave, he said goodbye to the nurse and took one last worried look at Kid before leaving the Infirmary.

C'mon Kid, you have to be okay. Wake up soon, please. Everyone's worried.


I'm worried. And that's saying something...


Kid's POV

Where am I? Why can't I see anything? Where did they go, those boys? Why can't I feel anything?

I felt around blindly in the dark, only to reach out towards nothing.

What is this place? What am I doing here? I want answers, dammit!

And then everything was white.

I blinked once. Then twice, and next I stood up. My legs were wobbly and weak as if I had just run a ten mile marathon all in one go. When I looked around, all I saw was pale emptiness. Nothing existed. Nothing was, yet here I stood on what seemed to be air. I reached down to touch the floor and felt nothing. I tried to breathe but I found myself lacking any oxygen to do so. My heart sped up and pounded in my chest as I struggled to figure out what we going on.

And all of the sudden I was sitting at a bar. The room was musty, dark, and smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke. A bad memory flashed in my mind and I quickly shook my head to forget. Across the room, a woman sat glaring at me in a booth. She looked extremely familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her before. And no matter how long I stared back, her icy gaze remained trained on me.

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