Chapter Two

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The Birth of Shinigami-sama's Son: Does This Look Right to You?

A few minutes later and the small group that had gathered in the Death Room was seated on the floor, the Memory Collector behind them. This machine had a unique ability to project it's images directly into the air, allowing the students and their school director to view Kid's life with ease.

They all quieted down when suddenly a small baby appeared on screen. It's tiny eyes were tightly shut, but other than that small detail the baby looked calm and at peace.

"I remember this," Death whispered, eyes never leaving the screen. "Kid refused to open his eyes for at least a week after his birth."

On screen, the baby's small hands reached out towards a black cloaked figure that the students soon realized was a younger version of Death. He was holding out his slightly smaller bit still large white hands for baby Kid to grasp onto. A wide smile spread across the baby's chubby cheeks, and he let out a small chortle that could only mean he was content.

"Aww, Kid was so cute back then!" Tsubaki exclaimed in a whisper, eyes sparkling.

"Indeed he was, but wait until you see his eyes," Death whispered back, feeling excited once more.

The projection seemed to skip through some time and stopped when the image was trained on just baby Kid's face again. He made a small noise as if to tell what he was about to do, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Everyone in the room gasped, even Black*Star, at what they now saw. His left eye, like they had all expected, was a brilliant amber color that stood out against his pale skin. It was a truly beautiful color, but that wasn't what surprised them. His right eye turned out to be a deep shade of blue, completely contrasting his bright and fluorescent left eye. Death shook his head slowly, remembering this fact.

"He was born with multicolored eyes. You all know his yellow eye came from being a grim reaper, but the other...was gained from his mother," He explained with a sad tone. The students' eyes widened; they had never really known Kid had a mother until today.

"When he was sent to live with me at the age of twelve, both of his eyes were the golden color you know him to have today. It confused me, but I just figured since he was a shinigami like me, the trait kicked in at a later time and turned his eye yellow then. I guess now we'll know if my assumption was correct," Death went on, returning his attention back to the screen.

The background had changed; they were no longer in a hospital. It was apparent that the two parents, along with their newborn son, had been cleared to go home. But, not before a few things were sorted out.

"You know the rules, Death," a woman with dark brown hair and deep blue eyes muttered, her back facing Kid's father. "I get to take him with me, that was the agreement when we got divorced."

The students' eyes widened, once more being consumed by surprise. Lord Death just looked at the floor and said nothing.

"You may say goodbye, however. I'm not cruel enough to deny you one last word with your son." The woman then left the room, leaving a sad younger Death with a small baby in his hands.

A voice sounded, though it wasn't quite the same as their school director's. It was more monotone and lacked any emotion whatsoever. It was Maka who finally realized it was younger Shinigami-sama's thoughts that were being stated for them to hear.

"The doctor said he was underweight, and knowing Kara, she might not be able to buy enough food to keep him healthy. Although it feels wrong, I guess I have to let him go," his thoughts buzzed. Kid's small, multicolored eyes stared at his father, a small smile plastered to his chubby face. But he said nothing, just stared at the despairing man that held him who he might not ever see again.

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