C H A P T E R - 6

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Stephen's POV:-

I was walking in the hallway with my friend. The office was right in front of me. I barged in and i saw Ash's worried face so I asked, "What happened? Why the long face? And where is Ser?" Ash suddenly grabbed my collar and said, "This is what I should be asking you, where is she?" My mind went black when I hear that Serina hadn't reach the office yet. It's been a while since I left her. Ash's anger was not wrong knowing the dark side of the school. I hope that she is okay.

Ash left my collar and pushed me. He yelled at the principal to find Serina in any case or he'll report the school about it's dark side. The power my family hold was incomparable so even the principal was scared of us. My father didn't spoke a word and mom was so anxious. Everything went suddenly hectic. The principle was trembling and he said, "We will find Yoon Serina, sir don't worry!" I laughed at the scene as the principle of these prosperous school trembled in front of us. Well he has always being afraid of me and Ash, now there is one more he needs to be afraid.

Ash and I went to search Serina in every areas of the school. We spit the pathways and went accordingly. I was anxious too, I should not have left her alone. If anything happens to her, it's all my fault. I was running and searching everywhere when suddenly I saw a closed ally(corner) so I went to search there in case if she was there. And there she was bent down on her knees. I could hear her heavy breathing and I was scared to death. I saw the scene inside the corner and i knew what was going on.

I ran towards her while I saw a boy covering her with his jacket. I got angry on how dare he touch my sister, who allowed him! But as I got closer I understood that he was helping her. I reached there my eyes fell directly on Serina. She was totally out of breath. I was so scared to see her in that state of hers. She then suddenly fainted on the boy's arm.

The boy was none other than Josh Max. I wanted Ser to avoid him as long as possible but this was their first encounter. I erased those quickly and focused on Serina. I called Ash and he ran over here soon. Ash was bewilered seeing Serina's fainted body. Ash then looked at Josh, he understood what was going on.

Ash said thank you to Josh and took Serina from Josh's hands. We both then rushed to the office carrying Serina in arms. I took a last glance at where Josh was standing and I saw that he was continuously staring at his hands. I saw a small grin forming on his face and his lips moved saying, "This is interesting, let's meet again."  "That bastard!" I said under my breath but Ash heard it. He said, "Let him be. If he messes with Ser he have to pay the price. Ash was as angry as I was.

We reached the office, mom and dad understood what had happened and didn't say a word. Mom almost cried but she held back. Dad just asked,"who found her?" I can sense anger in dad's words. The office was all empty, only we were there. I replied hesistantly, "I-It was Josh Max." Dad hold his fist tightly and said, "Let's go home. Ash call the doctor." Ash nodded in response and we took Serina home.

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