3: We Belong

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He was not ready to see her again and if he'd had it his way he wouldn't have seen her yet. Or ever again. After they had gotten Angela home safely Lucy had all but immediately transferred to Metro and he hadn't heard from her since. They'd had a night full of passion among the sadness and guilt, though it was all consensual. Even though it ended as quickly as it started when Wesley had called, that night was something Tim thought of many times, more than he cared to admit.

And now here she was, sitting in front of him, confident, sexy, beautiful, mature, and a few years older just like he was. He had been hit with the smell of Lavender the moment she entered the room. It was very familiar to him, and though he wouldn't admit it, he missed it deeply.

***earlier that day***

"Sergeant Bradford! A word?" It was after roll call at Mid-Wilshire when Grey called Tim into his office. Tim squared his new Boot away, sending them to set up the shop before following Grey into his office and closing the door behind him. Standing with his arms crossed he waited for Grey to speak.

"The night shift team brought Jake in last night." Fucking hell. Could this man not stay out of trouble? Tim rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.

"Dim.. uh, Jake? As in Jake and Sava?" He questioned, even though he already knew the answer. Grey nodded. "On what charges this time?" This was not how he wanted to spend his Wednesday, but this what life was like, right?

"Just more drug charges, again. Looks like he signed on to work for Ivan Petrov. He was found with 15 plus mgs of black tar in his car.." of course Jake would be stupid enough to sign on with the rising Russian mob. Tim only nodded.

"Jesus Christ... What do you want me to do about his dumbass?" Obviously, Tim was done being frank with this guy. 'People really gotta stop comparing me to this man...' he thought to himself.

"I want you and Detective Chen to go and meet with Ivan and his lady at the club." Tim was literally left speechless by Wade's words. "We are heading over to Metro now to meet with her." So that was that... he was going to face Lucy today.

Tim simply nodded, remaining the professional he was. With that he followed Grey out of the office. Before leaving, he made sure to go and update his new Boot, sending them to the Front Desk for the day. He was silent the whole ride as Grey had told him that he'd brief both of them together. Tim wasn't happy about having to see her today, at least that's what he told himself.


And now they sat across from each other, Grey sat by his side. Tim was positive Grey could feel the tension in the air, he was a smart man, he'd also been there for Tim the most, besides Angela, when Lucy left. But, Angela was pretty busy with a new baby and other shit. Tim was also a smart man, he was well aware that Angela had kept in touch with Lucy, along with a few others at Mid. As much as he wanted details, he also didn't. And so, he didn't ask.

To further help himself, Tim had even started seeing someone else. Her name was Ashley, she was the long legged, tall, blonde lifeguard. Ashley also happened to be the daughter of an officer that Tim had been close to up until he retired. So, thank you Terry for this distraction. As much fun as he was seemingly having with Ashley, she really was just a distraction and deep down, Tim knew that. They had nothing in common, especially the fact that she didn't want to be married or have kids... that was a big part of what Tim wanted in life. So, for the time being, Tim had Ashley, simply to get over the beautiful brunette in front of him. Of course he realized now, his girlfriend didn't come close to comparing to Lucy.

She sat there with an open notebook and a tapping pen. Tim took note of her state, the tapping pen, the way she had uncrossed and recrossed her legs several times, slightly flushed cheeks... she was just as anxious as she was. He was simply better at hiding it. This made him smirk, which he quickly hid, still he figured she'd probably caught it.

"Let's get this brief over with. I have a schedule to stick to." Yep, she was definitely anxious and she seemed very ready to be away from him. Good, he felt the same.

"Well you heard the majority in McConnell's office.." Sgt. Grey mentioned as Tim watched Lucy take note of all that she remembered from that short conversation.

Jake arrested again... 07/04/2023
Meeting with drug ring leader and lady at club... 07/07/2023

"Okay?" Short and sweet, not the responses Tim was used to when it came to Lucy.

"Night shift brought Jake in after finding 15 plus mgs of black tar in his car. He has somehow gotten involved with Ivan Petrov, drug ring leader for the rising Russian mob, LA division. He and his lady, Katarina, will be at one of their clubs this Friday. Jake and Sava were supposed to meet them there. And they still will be.." Tim had listened but was more focused on Lucy and her note taking.

Lucy's eyes rose to meet the sets looking back at her. Tim could tell she was mostly looking at him, he tried to avert his gaze. "So, it's just one night?"

Grey nodded at her. "For now. We don't know where it will lead." He paused, his eyes shifting between the two. "Listen, I know it's been a while since you've seen each other and worked together, and I need you both to be ready. Heads in the game, focused."

"Yes sir." Both Tim and Lucy responded at the same time.

"Until the meeting on Friday, Sergeant Bradford you and Detective Chen will be hooked at the hip or whatever. This has already been cleared by McConnell. We need that connection you had the first time." That was how Grey ended things before leaving them there. They sat in silence for a minute. He watched Lucy pull out her phone so he did the same, he sent a text to Ashley.

Tim: have to reschedule tonight until further notice. Work. Sorry babe
Ash: Oh, no worries honey. Be safe. I love you.

He didn't respond to that. She had already said the L word and he wasn't sure he was ready. Or that he ever would be...

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