12: Somebody to Die For

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*Monday Night*

Lucy had texted Nyla and Angela while still at the station, asking them if they could come over tonight. Of course they had both agreed without any questions. After talking to Val, and spending the day in the lab, she knew how tonight needed to go. Lucy had also gotten a few details on how Val felt about Aaron. After shift, she drove home with Jaclyn in the backseat.

She definitely felt guilty for springing the whole "we need to talk" kind of thing on Tim while he still had half a shift left. Sure, Tim wasn't one to let his personal life interfere with his job, but it still could have clouded his mind.

Once home, she took in the quiet apartment. Tamara had texted her letting her know that she had another date with Emerson and would be home late. Lucy decided not to bathe Jaclyn yet, hopeful that Tim would want to help since he hadn't been able to yet. Instead, Jaclyn hung out in her high chair while Lucy started dinner for everyone. By the time Harper and Lopez arrived, Tim not far behind them, she had prepared enough to feed an army. Tim's first move was to crack a beer for Lucy and himself as they all sat at the dining table.

"So, what's up girl?" Angela asked, taking a bite of food.

"Yeah, your text was very cryptic." Nyla came back as she sipped on wine.

Without words, Lucy pulled out her phone, opening the messages, as a few more had come in during the meeting earlier. She turned her phone around and laid it on the table for all of the to see. Harper was the first to pick it up, as she read the texts out loud.

"You will regret it all. Should've just stayed away. Just couldn't leave well enough alone."

"What the hell, Luce?" Tim exclaimed standing up, he was angry, yet he stayed calm enough so that he wouldn't upset the baby.

"The first one came Saturday morning, the other two came today, during the meeting at Metro." Lucy looked down, fidgeting with her fingers. She took her phone back from Nyla. "I didn't know what to do. I was just going to let it go, until the other two came in" she looked back down. Everyone in the room could feel the heat radiating off Tim.

"Well we can write down the number and trace it at Mid. That way you don't have to do it at Metro, and they wouldn't be able to know if you tried anything. Better safe than sorry." Thank god for Lopez, voice of reason and able to somewhat calm Tim. "For now just stay calm, act normal, and please, please keep us in the loop." Nyla reached over to touch Lucy's hand. Tim took her other hand, she offered them all a smile.
The group returned to a peaceful mixture of silence and friendly conversation. At least until Harper and Lopez had to return home to their families. It was around 7:00 when this happened. Lucy looked over at Tim, after shutting the door. "... Do you want to help me give Jaclyn a bath?" She smiled as Tim threw down the dishes he was loading in the dishwasher.

"Of course I do! But, we aren't done talking about all of this." Tim ran over and released Jaclyn from her high chair, the baby was very happy about this. Lucy nodded and followed, she had a feeling they weren't done. Tim loved experiencing bathtime with his daughter for the first time. Lucy couldn't tell who was loving it more, he or Jaclyn. She never wanted this moment to end.

When it finally did, after they stood there and watched Jaclyn fall asleep, per Tim's request, they finally made their way back to the living room. Neither of them moved to turn on the tv, but Lucy did grab them each a beer as Tim sat on the couch.

"....Why didn't you just tell me?" Tim finally spoke after a few minutes.

"I wanted to, I really did. I was scared, Tim. I wasn't sure if it was an empty threat or what.." Lucy kept her voice low, she wasn't sure how to explain herself.

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