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Abi offered water to Guna and let's him calm down...

ABI: Sir! I know you are still that enthusiastic guna sir as you used to be. But, just remember that you are not of the same age as you used to be.

GUNA: Abi... Don't start it again. I am tired of hearing this.

ABI: Oh really?! Sir!!! You've just fainted on the assembly just for skipping your tablets a day. You already sounds older than you are.

GUNA: okie enough. I am here with a happy news. Don't spoil my mood.


GUNA: Abi, how would you feel to meet all your school friends again?

ABI: We've meet just a week ago sir.

GUNA: I mean, all. For example,When did you meet chella last time?!

ABI: You're right sir. Many are in touch but I do miss some. And this chella after becoming a MLA couldn't be reached at all. I think we should get appointment to speak to sir already ( rolls her eyes).....  One day he'll come to meet me and I'll show him what will happen if you ignore a friend after becoming famous and all.

GUNA: (burst into laughter) Ayyo pavam.... It's like chella is gonna get beaten up badly once he is here la..... Why don't we do it in a week? That too in our school?

ABI: Why is he even gonna......

Abi just realized what he is about to tell and started jumping out of excitement. She was already smiling ear to ear but still there are few tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks.

ABI: Sir? Are we getting a

GUNA: Yah! For my dad's 10th memorial day, I wish to gather all the students from the last batch he handled. He loved you all, he'll be happy if you all come back to school again.

More tears started rolling down from Abi's eyes after hearing about this reunion and hugged Guna tight. He slowly patted on her head and said,

GUNA: Principal amma..... Save your tears for a week. You have lots of jobs to finish.

ABI: I am ready to do anything sir.

GUNA: Parahhh!!! Okie, now the boys don't have any rift between them but you were the mutual point between them even when they have one. So, it should be you who would invite them all. Will you?

ABI: It's easy sir. I'll message them all.

GUNA: No.... I want you to invite them in person

ABI: What?! Sir, that will take atleast 4 days.

GUNA: You have 7 days left, so take your own time.

ABI: Sir, who'll take care of students and school if I am not here?

GUNA: That's why am I here and malar miss is here. We'll take care. You just go and finish the job. Start now.

Saying this, guna handed over a bag filled with beautiful invitation cards with some of their memories printed over it.

ABI: Now????

GUNA: Yah!

Telling this, Guna packed Abi's stuffs and made her leave the place as soon as possible.

Abi was standing by the gate for more than 15 min waiting for the cab. She decided not to drive the car anymore after all that happened at the morning and Abi is already so much excited and that doesn't seems like a perfect state for her to drive a car.

SAGAYAM ANNA: amma Abi! Why are you leaving early today?

ABI: Ammam Anna. I am going to invite our passanga for a reunion on our sakthivel sir's memorial day.

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