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a dark place filled with bushes everywhere, kalai was running into them with a pistol, the thorns were embedded in his body as he runs around made him bleed but nothing bothered him and the pain and fear in his eyes were not because of them. His eyes didn't stop scouring around in the pitch darkness that would swallow anything around or near. suddenly, he heard a scream from faraway, it was abi's, the moment he heard it, he ran towards the place screaming her name..... then he reached the mid of those giant bushes, to see abi tied to a log beaten up, looking half dead, with weakened eyes and bruished hands and legs.

He felt like standing in the end of the world. the last thing he would wish to see in his life would never be this. his eyes turned red and the terror in his eyes is now replaced with anger. he ran towards the goons who stood there near Abi. but someone hit him hard on his head from his back. he fell down the floor half consious. he couldn't move even a little , all he can do was look at the goons stab her with a knife. His eyes blurred further with his tears and his internal screams and his inability of saving his Abi was slowly killing him. the stabbed Abi fell straight before his face, looking at him in his eyes, with a little smile in her face, she tried to touch his face wishpering his name "kalai" for the very last time and even before touching him, she's forever gone already. her eyes wide open, her hand fell on the ground releasing her last breath. 

kalai woke up in his bed just to know that it's yet another nightmare and it's 4th time for this month. he sat down , calmed himself and took his pills. he turned around to look at a picture frame of Abi smiling with her beautiful eyes and the nightmare flashed again before his eyes. kalai always wanted to protect Abi, she would be the biggest cost he would pay in his life ever and never waned to. at first kalai's fear about his past and Boodha lingam made him not speak his heart out. now his fear about what would his enemies in job would do to her if he marry her makes him push the topic of getting married away whenever it is brought in a conversation. And these nightmares makes the case worse. his fear of loosing her is killing him everyday. 

He noticed that it's almost time for the alarm to ring, so, he went to take a shower. 

Abi reached the airport before and once he reached too, they boarded to the flight and they reached Banglore. when they walked through the lobby, they found someone stood turning back with a sign board held on his hand tied behind wich says, "THALAPATHI".... they both shared a smile after realizing who it is and walked towards him. kalai knocked on the board and said,

KALAI: Raju sir!!!

RAJU: silra illa pa..

ABI: Ada pavi...dei Raju...

RAJU: wait, that seems like some femilier voice....

saying this, he slowly turned around to see them, adjusting his glasses.

RAJU: Thalapathy.... Come come.... I've been waiting for you the whole time...

KALAI: Then why did you turn around and not looking here?

RAJU: That's a big story. I've written a article recently about a MP and a actress. The MP was so pissed than the actress herself. He was just passing by with a death stare just few minutes ago. That's why...

KALAI: En da?!!!

RAJU: That's the life of a journalist da... I've done something good through my articles too but sometimes we have to do such thing to entertain people and also retain in our job. You won't get it thalapathy.... Let's go first.....

Raju tried ignoring Abi the whole time and tried to leave the place holding kalai's hand. Abi batting her eyebrows with a deep tone said,

ABI: Hello! Apo naanu?

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