Chapter 1

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Fatu,s POV

The best way to start  the summer holidays is to go on a road trip and have fun, imagine so many things we could do.
Like we actually need  this especially you Kane.

How do I need this? you are just using me as an excuse to avoid that stupid boyfriend of yours,what do you see in him? Kane questioned while stretching his arms.

Ah please let's not talk about your girlfriend that opens her legs when she sees a stick I said.

Can the both of you just shut up! and decide if we are going on a road trip or not,Ruby said.

I'm down as long as I will get laid Chase said.

Why are you always thinking about sex bro, I hope one day your dick falls off then we will see how you will react ,Ruby said with a chuckle.

O okay then Mia are you down ,you know what never mind y'all are going you like it or not.
I said.

Can't we just go to Tokyo that sounds better then our next trip will be in Texas which will be the road trip? Mia suggested.

Tokyo it is then!they said at the same time.

I will book  a flight  for Friday, so we have a day to pack a , start working people , less sitting more movement I said.Some times I don't believe we live under one roof.

Everybody stopped in their tracks and looked at me .

FUCK OFF  pushing my way past them,
Wait I shouldn't be leaving this is my room I walked back in and yelled GET THE FUCK OUT.

Later that day

We were all sitting in the living room everyone was  doing their own thing.

Ding dong

Pizza is here! Ruby jumped out of her seat running towards the door.

Fatu! Jasper came to get some pussy she yelled out.
I quickly stood up heading towards the door , once I reached there I asked Ruby to give us space,she gave me a side eye look with a creepy smile on her face.

I invited Jasper inside and lead him to my room.

So what are you doing here?

I wanted to check on you as a normal boyfriend would, he Leaned in for a kiss and our lips collided.We had a make out session his hands went lower to my jeans  trying to open them, which caused me to push him back.

He gave me a look which I couldn't understand.
Fatu you always do this every time I try to get intimate with you ,you push me away, we have been together for three years and you have not ahhhh it's so frustrating you know ,he said standing up.

I'm still not ready I'm not comfortable and you make it even more harder because you keep on pushing me I said raising my voice.

Jasper was about to say something when the door opened.

It seems like there is a problem here so I would suggest you to leave now Chase said making room for him to exit, he walked Jasper down stairs.

I followed behind then turned left so I could go to the living room where the rest were.
After a minute Chase came back and sat down, damn I was so scared that he would wanna fight me or something ,why didn't you go Kane you have a scary face.I thought I was gonna die

Shut the fuck up Chase, Mia said.

Thanks For what you did back there Chase I mumbled

He nodded his head  it was nothing a big boy could handle .

So much for being scared Mia said.

Just let me shine for once Mia please let me have this moment,Chase said as he fanned himself.

While you where up stairs with Jasper we thought that it's best if you would  dump him because he is toxic and demanding, it's not good for us and you ,we don't want you to get hurt ,Ruby said as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I looked at everyone and they were all nodding.They were telling the truth , I haven't been happy in this relationship I thought he would change but no he is still the same.

As soon as I took out my phone everyone jumped next to me, which gave me a shock I started type writing a break up note.

Umh Fatu you wrote "you are not good for my healthy" instead of "health" ,Ruby said as she bite her bottom lip.

I gave her a shut up look and she mumbled a sorry.

I was then done writing a whole paragraph I took a deep breath and sent it.
Everyone started clapping as if I landed a plane.

So where is the pizza? I asked

So the thing is silly old Kane ate your slices ,Mia snitched.

What about Ruby did she also not take a bite huh Kane said.

Relax I ordered more pizza dammm before y'all bite each other's heads off ,Chase said while sucking on a lollipop.

The day of the flight

Kane,s POV

Everyone get in the car we have an hour left and we still need to check our tickets.

Okay dad can you put the bags in the boot then Ruby said with an annoyed look.

They quickly placed the bags and hoped into the bmw.

The ride to the airport wasn't long it was a ten minute drive. Once we got to the airport they gave Kane the needed documents to check a few things since he was the responsible one.

After that he checked if all our bags where with us.

We then boarded the place and sat on our given seat we filled up two three seaters. We waited till take off so we could use our devices.

Tokyo here we come I said.

Who even says that, cringe with exclamation marks Ruby commented as she looked over my chair so she could see me.

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