Sense - by fairlyaverageff

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Sense - [One Shot] by fairlyaverageff

Story can be found on the Tumblr website

Words : 5.1 k


"I'll take that from you miss." A warm accented voice came from her left, drawing her attention away from the packed mob of people that blocked the view of most of the hallway. The owner of said voice was an incredibly handsome young man with honey and brown hair and strange dark eyes.

"Oh, no I'd like to keep it with me if thats alright." Her answering smile was timid as she clutched her small grey backpack to her chest, not wanting to sacrifice it as all the other tourists were doing with their own purses, cameras, and bags respectively.

The man gave her a small smile that she was sure was meant to look sympathetic, but there was a hardness to his dark eyes that made her feel as though her refusal had annoyed him.

"I'm sorry miss, but no personal belongings of any sort are allowed on the tour. I can assure you your bag will be perfectly safe and that we take full responsibility for all our guests' items."

He held a hand out to her, silently requesting and waiting for her to give him her backpack. "Sure", she understood that his request wasn't unreasonable and his exact reassurances that her belongings wouldn't be stolen was precisely what was causing the rest of the people meant to walk this castle with her to be so willingly passing their things to his other equally attractive coworkers.

But it wasnt about the bag to her - even though it had very important items like her wallet and passport. It was about her medications tucked safely in a shirt at the bottom of the bag that made her hesitate.

A cool hand resting on her bare shoulder suddenly caused her to jump, instinctively flinching away from the unexpected touch.

The tour guide - the absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman with thick mahogany hair and legs that went on for days was right beside her, her vibrant red dress still attracting the notice of the men from the group behind her even though she'd walked away from them to asses the situation between herself and the woman's coworker.

"Is there a problem, Demetri?" The woman gave her a warm, full smile that made her feel suddenly lightheaded.

"No problems Heidi, our guest is just concerned about leaving her belongings behind." The handsome mans voice was positively jovial, and it felt like all the hairs on her arms stood up in response.

There was something so unnecessary and exaggerated about his warmth that it was making her more and more unsure of the situation by the second.

Heidi placed her hand back on her shoulder, slowly this time, before giving her a comforting and knowing smile. "I understand your concern for leaving behind your things, but I can assure you Demetri will take good care of them. The tour only takes an hour! Well be back before you know it."

The woman's hand tightened on her shoulder for the briefest second, and she only felt even more light headed by the time Heidi took her hand away. Demetri took her backpack from where she had it clutched against her chest, and it was with only a small amount of surprise that she found herself willingly letting it go.

"Thank you miss." Demetri smiled once more and turned away from her. She would have watched him as he made his way over to the pile of belongings his coworkers were making against a far wall back down the direction they originally came from, but Heidi stepping in front of her effectively cut off her view.

"Now come on dearest. Let us not keep the others waiting."

This time Heidi put her entire arm around her shoulders as she towed her back to the haggle of tourists who'd stood waiting for them, chatting amongst themselves.

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