Volturi One-shots - by TheadoraBlack

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Daddy Issues (Bella x Alec) - by TheadoraBlack

Story can be found on the AO3 website (Archive of our own).


I do not own Twilight, or its characters. This is merely a work of fanfiction.


This is inspired by an edit I saw by @Isy_Teller on Tiktok. It is an Alec x Bella pairing. ALEC & JANE ARE NINETEEN.


Renesmee is here, but I am going to name her Aurora. Also, there is no Jacob imprinting on her, because thats disgusting. The Cullens relocated as soon as Bella got pregnant, so that whole thing is avoided. This takes place a few months after Bella is changed while giving birth to her.

Words : 1.9 k


Bella held Aurora in her arms as they walked down the dark corridors of the Volturi castle. She could hear the shuffling paces of Edward behind her. She wished once again that she and Aurora could have come alone.

Surely, he didnt need to be here.

Edward had tried to insist that she shouldnt bring Aurora to Volterra, stating that she would be in danger. He told her over and over that the Volturi would do something terrible to the half-human hybrid.

Carlisle felt she would be safe. The Volturi knew of other half-breeds when he was there, and besides extra monitoring, they never did anything to them.

In her desperation to get away from Edward, Bella had called the Volturi herself. Aro had asked her to visit, commanded her really, so Edward couldn't object.

Bella pushed herself faster so she would be closer to Jane.

Perhaps she should fear the tiny woman, but if anything she felt safe with her. The glares Jane shot Edward gave Bella a secret sense of satisfaction.

"So your marriage was...short lived?" Jane asked.

Bella shrugged. She heard Edward scoff behind her. It was followed by a sharp smack that she assumed was one of the Guards hitting him on the back of the head.

"When I woke up and realized he had lied about being my mate, there was really no going back. His touch feels... wrong."

Jane hummed in acknowledgement.

Edward should have known, as a vampire, that she wasn't his mate. He had been selfish or deluded, or both. Either one was dangerous.

She knew that Aro didnt plan on letting the redhead leave alive, and was glad Bella wouldnt be an issue when the time came. They would have to be careful of the child, though. She didnt need to see that.

Auroras face was tucked into the crook of Bella's neck, in a deep sleep. The little girl seemed unbothered by current events.

She began to nod off as soon as they entered the castle, as if this was her home. She was currently the size of a three year old, though she was only a few months old.

"She's cute," Jane complimented, "it's been a while since we've seen a half-breed child. They usually come to our attention as adults, seeking answers. Most of the mothers dont make it through the childbirth, and the fathers are absent. "

"Perhaps you could give us some answers, as well. Carlisle is trying his best, but he is unprepared for something like this."

Jane threw a look over her shoulder at the sleeping girl as they walked. She hoped they would stay around for a while. They seemed more tolerable than most people.

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