Alec x Female!reader - by agirllovespancakes

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Alec x Female!reader - by agirllovespancakes

Story can be found on the Tumblr website

Words: 600


It was dark. Nothing was visible at this time of the night. You couldn't see the walls of the room you were in, nor the bookcases or other furniture placed in the room. Not even the three layers of blankets you had pulled on top of you to fight the cold or your own hands. It was dark, absolutely entirely dark. And yet, it wasn't doing a single thing for your struggle tonight to fall asleep. You sighed deeply, staring into the abyss of darkness. You were tired, really tired. But with everything that was gonna happen the next few days your mind couldn't rest, thinking of everything you should do first or how to prepare for it.

You perked up realizing he was sitting behind you. You heard him sighing dramatically deep.

"Alec? "

"You should sleep," he whispered.

"I can't", you turned around to face him. Due to the darkness you couldn't see him but you knew you were facing him.

You closed your eyes when his fingers touched your cheek, they were ice cold against your skin. The thought of you being cold like him in a few days crossed your mind.

"Too dark?"

"No, I am just thinking too much. "

You heard him putting something down. A book perhaps? He crawled underneath the pile of blankets you had thrown over yourself. His right hand now rested at the back of your neck, he pulled you closer to kiss your forehead.

"We will take care of you," Alec whispered.

"I am not worried," you protested. You snuggled closer against him. It still felt strange sometimes how hard his body was against yours. You wanted nothing more than to be held forever by him. Soon it was possible.

"Then why cant you sleep? You always sleep so peacefully". Alec pulled you closer, if that was even possible. You breathed deeply against his chest.

"You are still watching me sleep, dont you?" You giggled.

Alec groaned, "I didn't meant to. There are just so many hours and sometimes I feel restless waiting for you to wake up. Watching you calms me. "

You giggled again, now fully awake, "You are so sweet. Soon we can watch each other forever!"

He kissed your forehead again, "Can't wait for that to happen sweetface."

"But you are right. I usually sleep good," you sighed, "I am just afraid I forget something I should do beforehand or that I am preparing myself the wrong way or-"

"Stop," Alec interrupted your rambles, "I got you. "

You took a deep breath, realizing he was right. They had turned countless humans. It was probably unnecessary to stress over it. Your turning would go without problems too. It was only the pain you dreaded still.

"Will you stay with me when I am-" you pulled your arms around his neck.

You shrieked when he suddenly turned you on your back, laying on top of you. He lowered his head to rest it against yours. You wished you could see him now.

"I will stay every hard moment with you, no matter how painful it will be for me to watch."

"How romantic," you sighed.

Alec groaned, "You are gonna be unbearable."

"Unbearably happy to spend eternity with you," you grinned.

You pecked his lips when he moved. You heard him groaning again before he inched closer, letting you kiss him again. You felt him smile, you giggled in anticipation.

"You will still not sleep, will you?"

"The transformation will start in a few more hours," you pulled him closer by his coat, "sleep is overrated."

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