Happily Ever After - by the-volturi-diaries

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Happily Ever After - by the-volturi-diaries

Story can be found on the AO3 website (Archive of our own).

Pairing: Felix x Reader (female).

Words: 2.6 k


He had never expected this kind of happiness.

In fact, long ago, he'd given up on the idea of it. No one had told him, before he was turned, that becoming a vampire meant forgoing any chance of having a family of his own making (as far as anyone had known then). But it had mattered very little to him once he'd learned of it, seeming like a worthy enough trade. Felix had gone from a slave, fighting and killing for the entertainment of the powerful to being just that:


And yet...his unbeating heart had ached a little, just a little. He'd never have a family and he'd never be a father, would he? But he forgot about it all quickly, finding a mismatched family within the Volturi and remaining perfectly happy for many a century.

But it still ached.

Every so often, his heart sang out at the sight of a small family; a father playing with his children, a mother holding her babe to her chest.

And he had ached once more as he heard it, the soft laughter a baby echoing in the night. He had only just returned home from a mission, walking through the dark streets alone when he had heard it. Laughter. And a woman's delighted voice as she fussed over the little thing. As he looked over his shoulder, Felix caught sight of a stranger. Your accent told him that you were not from here, new to Volterra. He noticed that your clothes were a bit shabby, bought secondhand and repaired if needed, a bruise upon your wrist catching his attention. And perhaps he had stared a little too long, as the baby in your arms took notice of him and smiled, a small greeting spoken from the little thing.

"Charlie!" you'd sweetly chided as you smiled at your son.

And you'd smiled at Felix as well, just before you turned the corner and vanished out of view. It had been a shockingly lovely smile, stealing his heart in an instant.

His heart ached at the loss of you and it did not stop...not until he found you again.


Felix had seen you once more, stumbling upon you both by accident in the garden. Though he had thought about you both often, not knowing why, he had not purposely sought you out. What right, he had wondered, did a monster like him have to a beauty like you? But he had found you anyway, fate leading the way. It was a quiet little corner of Volterra, nowhere near not as grand as the other places it might brag about. Small, crumbling houses and crooked streets, the sort of place that never appeared in the vacation pamphlets. There was nothing to play on, just a few skinny trees and a wrought iron bench, a little patch of grass and wildflowers scattered here and there. He had been walking the cobblestone paths alone, taking to the less traveled path, when he heard it.

A baby's cry..and a lullaby!

His heart had pulled him closer, taking Felix to that tiny garden. And there he had found you, sitting upon an old quilt you'd laid beneath the tree as you soothed and sang to the baby. And you had not noticed him right away, Charlie seeing him first.

At the sigh of the giant, the baby smiled and spoke again, his small voice sounding like a tiny, tinkling bell.


You looked up in surprise, a flicker of fear in your eyes. He thought of the faded bruises he'd seen (and took notice of others exposed by your dress) and made a point to look less alarming, though he did not know why. Something within him, some still-beating and aching little thing, did not wish to frighten you, no, never.

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