Last Christmas - by thedeathlysallows

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⚠️🔞Be aware!! This One-shot contains SMUT 🔞⚠️


Last Christmas - by thedeathlysallows

Story can be found on the Tumblr website.


This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special


smut. p in v, Dom!Felix, spanking, blood play, oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex


With Thanksgiving over and my birthday on the horizon, the Christmas season has started for me (though tbh I am in fact one of those people who loves Christmas year round). So enjoy this celebratory story!

Felix x Female!Reader

Words: 2.1k


"This is a disaster," you complain to no one in particular. "I can't believe I got roped into this."

When Gianna approached you about attending her work's Christmas party you had initially declined. You've seen her paychecks, her apartment, her wardrobe. It's a whole fucking lot. There's absolutely no way you could confidently rub elbows with the people she works with.

But then she gave you the puppy dog eyes.

And then she gave you an "old dress" of hers that just so happened to be your exact size.

On top of all that, she also gave you a matching pair of heels and a new purse.

You couldn't say that after being so spoiled by your best friend.

"Oh, hush," Gianna tells you. "This isn't so bad."

"We're in masks!"

She shrugs. "It's a masquerade. You should be a bit more grateful, ya know. If you weren't here with me you would be at your own work function with-"

You raise a hand, effectively cutting her off. "Don't. I don't want to think about him."

Gianna lifts a brow, her eyes silently teasing you as she hides her smile behind her wine glass. "Then don't."

"I need a drink." You heave a dramatic sigh as you slip off your barstool and slink through the crowd to find the bar.

The large ballroom is packed to the brim with people, most of them chatting with one another in small groups while a few others dance wherever they can find the space. It's strange that, despite the larger number of people in the room, you aren't feeling the least bit warm. In fact, it's kind of cold. Oh well. You'd rather feel the slight chill than want to burst out of your own skin from overheating, you think as you finally get to the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asks.

You give him your order and sweep your eyes over the room one more time as you wait. Everyone is laughing and generally enjoying their time together. Had this been your work party you would be slinking around in the shadows, begging whatever god would listen that you wouldn't run into your ex.

The one who dumped you last year.

On Christmas.

And then hooked up with your step sister.

Also on Christmas.

"I'd hate to be whoever you're thinking about right now," a low masculine voice says just over your left shoulder.

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