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Thunder rolled overhead, rain slashing almost horizontally at the windows.

Kim Seokjin sat at the kitchen table, alone. The power had been cut over an hour ago, and it would be a lot longer than that before it was restored. The city was swamped with the powerful storm knocking over trees and whole grids had lost power.

Seokjin didn't particularly care, he had lit some candles and placed them around the house to get by. As long as the hospital was okay, that was all that mattered.

A flash of lightning lit up a dark figure standing in the window.

Seokjin's heart spiked, just as it did every time his visitor came.

He had seen on the news about the boy who went missing three days ago. He knew this was coming. 

The door bell rang, barely audible over the rumbling storm and howling rain.

Seokjin rose out of his seat, fighting the urge to sprint.

He had long since learned that it wouldn't matter anyways.

He walked to the door, his hand shaking as he turned the handle and opened it.

Rain attacked him, soaking him instantly. Seokjin didn't notice, just sunk to his knees beside the body of the broken, beaten and bloody boy.

He was gasping, the rain pooling in the divot of his neck before washing the blood away. His eyes were wide open in terror, struggling to scream, begging for help for breathless lungs.

Help Seokjin so desperately wished he could give. 

He was a doctor after all.

But this poor boy was a minute away from death, at best.

There was nothing Seokjin could do, so he simply held the boy close, whispering comforting words and apologizing, until the boy spasmed and was still.

His eyes stayed open, sightlessly seeing the storm above.

Seokjin's tears mixed with the rain as he gently shut the boys eyes.

Another flash of lightning and the dark figure appeared by Seokjin's side.

"He was fun." Yoongi said, but there wasn't any amusement in his voice. He was staring at the lifeless body in Seokjin's arms. "He screamed really well. Very loud. It's too quiet at my place sometimes."

Seokjin didn't bother to reply. By now, he knew inviting conversation only made it all darker. 

He carried the limp boy into his house, and wasn't surprised that Yoongi followed him inside. 

"It made me happy that he screamed so well." Yoongi said as he watched Seokjin lay the boy down on the carpet in his living room. "Are you glad for me that I was happy?"

Seokjin laid a blanket over the dead boy, covering him from Yoongi's dark gaze. 

"Can I have some water?"

Seokjin didn't want to leave the boys side, tears in his eyes. 

"Jinnie? Can I have some water?"

Seokjin rose and walked silently to the kitchen.

Yoongi followed him, taking a seat on the barstool at the counter. He shrugged off his wet jacket, letting it fall to the floor.

Seokjin slammed the cup down in front of him, water splashing over the edge.

"Are you mad at me?" Yoongi asked. "You're not talking to me, so you must be mad at me."

"You killed an innocent boy." Seokjin knew better than to reply, but his fury and helplessness had reached a breaking point. 

"Who said he was innocent?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes and sipped the water. 

"He barely looks thirteen!"

"He was fifteen. And a drug dealer."

"Dealing what? Harmless weed?" Seokjin's fingers curled into fists. 

"And other stuff. To twelve year olds." 

"Even if he was dealing meth, he didn't deserve to be kidnapped, tortured and slaughtered by you." Seokjin was shaking, and he took a step back and tried to take calming breaths. 

Being angry at Yoongi never solved anything. Seokjin still had the scars from the first time he had fought with the killer. 

"You're mad." Yoongi stated, swiveling back and forth on the barstool. 

Seokjin shook his head and looked away, watching the rain pour down his windows. 

Yoongi's face was eerily lit by the candles. "It's okay if you're mad. I didn't leave you with enough time to save him."

"You never do." Seokjin muttered, looking at the body in his living room. 

"You don't want me to hunt bad guys anymore?" Yoongi cocked his head.

Seokjin bit his tongue, refusing to engage in any more conversation.

Yoongi was silent for a moment, then he slid off the seat. 

"Okay," he smiled. He knelt down beside Seokjin and cupped the doctors face, gently brushing his thumb across Seokjin's cheek. "I won't hurt the bad ones anymore. I'll do it for you, Jinnie."

A tear ran down Seokjin's cheek and Yoongi wiped it away.

"You're my best friend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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