EWWW SHARK (i love sharks)

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     You freaked out internally, you thought it was Idate. You were sure of it. You stood up, backing away from the hole in the ice. A few moments later, the figure climbed out of the hole. You were shocked to see that it wasn't Idate, but instead was someone else. He looked like a shark, he also looked pretty scarred. He had a few chunks of his dorsal fin taken out.
     "Wh-who are you..." You stuttered, almost slipping on the ice. The shark only chuckled a bit to himself. "I wasn't expecting someone as weak as you, I guess this will just make my job a whole lot easier." The shark said, smirking. He then grabbed you by your neck, squeezing it tightly. God, how many times are you going to be choked half to death?
      This time, you weren't going to go down without a fight. You scratched at his hand, hoping it would result in him letting go of you. But to no avail, he kept his hand around your neck. He squeezed it tighter, causing you to cough a bit. "Let go.. Bastard.." You choked out, kicking your feet at him.
     "Let go? That wouldn't be fair, ya know. I was really looking forward to this..." The shark chuckled. He then threw you against the ice, almost cracking it. "O-ow..." You said, sitting up after the pain from the impact subsided. You tried to get up, but before you could even do anything, the next thing you knew, you were pinned against the ground by the neck. "Get off of me, asshole!!!" You yelled, trying to kick him.
     "Gah..." Your kicks were useless, they didn't affect him, not even in the slightest. "Now, now... Stop trying to resist it, you know you won't win this fight." The shark said in a sweet tone, though you knew he wasn't trying to be sweet. "H-help...!!!" You yelled out, hoping someone was close enough to hear your cries. You now regret not inviting Rock to fish with you, not only would he have probably taught you how to catch fish better, but he probably would have also helped get rid of this shark.
     Suddenly, you heard  footsteps on the ice. A wave of relief washed over you, until you heard their voice. "Now, this isn't very fair, isn't it?" The person said, chuckling. You realized it was Idate, which only made you panic more. Was the shark on Idate's side? "You didn't even give them any time to run, that's not very fun, isn't it?" He said.
     He wasn't hurting you...? Or at least, he wasn't hurting you yet. "Now, I suggest you get off of her before I tear out your eye." He said, sternly. "Why should I? You're just a stupid orca, I don't have to listen to you..." The shark looked up at the orca, smirking. "I said, get off of them." Idate said. "I'm the only one allowed to hurt them." Your little sliver of hope disappeared as he said that last part. "Are you serious!? Now instead, you're gonna hurt me!?" You said, almost screaming.
     "Who said I'd hurt you?" Idate chuckled softly, as he took a few steps towards you and the shark. He grabbed the shark by the dorsal fin, squeezing it. The shark winced in pain. "Ah, whining at the touch of an orca? Pathetic." Idate said, smirking. He lifted the shark up by the fin, causing the shark to freak out and let go of me to try to fight off Idate.
     "Now, I suggest you go before I change my mind. I'm feeling nice today." Idate chuckled as he threw the shark against a rock. The shark groaned upon impact. "Nghh..." The shark got up, tightening his hands into fists. "I don't think I will. After all, you're just a whale." The shark said, chuckling.  The shark charged at Idate, punching him in the cut. It caught Idate off guard, sending him backwards a little bit. The shark walked back over to you while he was stunned, picking you up off the ground by your hair. "O-ow.." You cried, trying to push him away.
     The shark only shook you a bit by the hair. "Shut it." The shark said to you, sternly. As Idate got back up, he looked a bit more agitated than he was before. "So you want to do it this way, huh?" He said before smirking again. "Take one more step forward and I'll be sure to drown this little bastard." He said, referring to you. "Do that, and I'll be sure to make you feel as much pain as possible before I kill you." The orca sneered. 
     "I doubt you'll even be able to hurt me." The shark replied. "Wanna test that?" Idate said, smirking. "Sure, I'd love to." The shark said. In the blink of an eye, Idate tackled the shark, also accidentally bringing you down with them both since the shark didn't let fo of you. "GAHH!!!" You yelled, as you hit the ground, being crushed underneath the weight of two people.
     "Great, now look at what you did? You're gonna break her ribs." The orca said, sternly. "Get off!!!" The shark yelled, trying to push the orca off of him. "I already gave you a chance to retreat, but you decided to not take it." Idate said, angrily. He gripped the shark by the neck, squeezing it tightly. The shark wrapped his hand's around the orca's wrists, trying to pull his hand off of his neck.
      "Struggling won't save ya." Idate said, chuckling. The shark had an idea, you could tell. He kicked Idate in his sensitive spot, before getting up and wrapping his arm around your neck, threatening you with his free hand. Idate got up after a few moments, looking extremely pissed. "So, you really want to do this the tricky way?" Idate said, angrily. "If you even try to touch me, I will tear them to shreds." The shark threatened. Idate took a moment to think about his options and what he could do.
     The shark tightened his arm, squeezing your neck even more. You tried to pull his arm off of you, to no avail. What would happen next? Would Idate choose to let you get torn to pieces, or would he let you get torn to pieces but with a fight. Or maybe, would he figure something else out...

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