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     Idate thought hard about this. You began to wonder if anyone else would come, whether or not it would be to help you, or to hurt you. Suddenly, you only had half of a second to witness it, but Idate pushed the shark to the floor, grabbing you out of his arm's grip. Idate softly pushed you to the side, you assumed that he was trying to protect you.
     Idate picked up the shark by the hair, throwing him against the ice again. The shark coughed upon impact. "Ngh... You'll regret this, orca..." The shark said, sounding pissed. "No, I don't think I will." Idate said, smirking. Idate stepped on the shark, right on his gut. "GAH!!!" The shark cried. The shark grabbed the orca's ankle, throwing him to the side. Idate stood up, he seemed a bit mad.
     You wished you could help Idate fight the shark, but you knew that if you did try, you would lose an arm. All you could do was just watch. The shark got back up, attempting to throw a punch at Idate's face. Idate caught the shark's fist, throwing him back onto the ground. This time, Idate wasted no time. he put his foot on the shark's chest, grabbing the shark's arm and ripped it off.
     You stared in horror, hearing the screams and cries of the shark, and hearing Idate laughing at him. A huge puddle of blood surrounded the shark in almost no time. Idate tossed the now torn off arm to the side and picked the shark up by his hair, again. "Give up yet?" Idate asked the shark, smirking. "N-never..." The shark said.
     "Hmmm, pretty tough for a shark. Usually, they would be sobbing and begging to stop. But, it's whatever." Idate tossed the shark against a rock, then grabbing him by the hair again and bashing the shark's head into the rock a few times. The entire area was covered in blood at that point, you couldn't do anything but watch in terror. You were feeling pretty lucky that Idate never did anything like that to you. Or yet, at least.
     Idate continued to torture the shark, tearing off the skin of him. The shark bled profusely. Idate finally dropped the shark onto the floor. "" The shark groaned. Idate turned to you and walked towards you, leaving the shark right there. "Don't worry, he won't die. Probably." Idate said, chuckling. "Did he hurt you anywhere?" He asked, studying you. "A little bit..." You replied, still looking scared.
     "Don't worry, he won't bother ya again." Idate pat you on the head before smiling. "Thank you, you just saved my life i think..." You said. "I had to; it would be a shame if you weren't around anymore." He replied. "...Why's that?" You asked, curiously. Why would he care that much if you were there anymore or not? "Well, you got some people who care about you. I guess you could consider me one of those people, I don't know." He said. What? He actually cares about you? This had to be some sort of joke...
     You decided to ask the obvious. "You care about me...?" You looked at him, confused. "Well, yeah. You're pretty nice I guess, minus the name calling." He replied, smiling warmly. For the first time, Idate's smile actually seemed genuine. It caught you off guard, he actually had a nice smile. You caught yourself blushing a bit. He noticed and chuckled, before speaking again.
     "You should probably be heading home, be careful next time, alright? Don't go talking to strangers." Idate chuckled, patting you on the back. "A-ah... Alright. Thank you, again. You really did save me." You said. "Not a problem." Idate replied.

[ Ties ] Idate x Reader I Guess [OKGEOM - ICE SCREAM]Where stories live. Discover now