♦︎Chapter 6♦︎

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Both Moana and Ariel glanced at each other before turning towards Jake as he said: "Thank you." To the female na'vi as Ariel whispered "Should we..?" To Moana who just replied "Nah, I want to see him get smack.." with a small smirk which made Ariel blink at her words.

"That was pretty impressive." Said Jake as the na'vi just stared at him as he continued with a chuckle "I would have been screwed if you hadn't come along. It was.." The female na'vi began to leave as Jake spoke quickly "Wait a second." As he began to follow her with Ariel and Moana quickly following behind "Jake don't leave us behind!" They exclaimed softly after Jake.

"Hey, where you going?"

"Jake let's not-"
"Jarhead is going to get hit.."
"Moana please don't."

"Wait up!" Jake said trying to follow the female native "Just... Hey, slow down." As Ariel was about to catch Jake when she heard Moana hissed in pain for the moment making her turn around as the avatar with the curly hair held her arm. 'Right, she got it from the viperwolf.' Ariel thought to herself before she quickly a cloth from her shirt again before she gently wrapped it around it.

"Thanks, Ariel." Moana spoke which made Ariel smile "No problem." Then they heard a groan making them turn to see Jake on the forest floor with a "Damn!" Which made Moana scoff at this with a smile "Knew it."

"Don't thank." Said the na'vi female, which caught Ariel and Moana off guard when they heard her speak in English "You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only." Said the female na'vi as Ariel stood there as she glanced at Jake then the female Na'vi then Moana who looked somewhat unfazed by this Ariel carefully walked towards Jake before helping him up as he said "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I did I'm sorry." Which made Moana speak, "I think she meant by you killing the viperwolves back there." Which made the female na'vi nod, agreeing with Moana.

"All this is your fault. They did not need to die." Said the female na'vi to Jake, with him back on his feet thanks to Ariel who just stayed quiet as Jake spoke "My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?" He questioned with a confused look only for the na'vi female to exclaim "Your fault!" This made Jake and Ariel flinch at this as Jake let out "Ay! Whoa!" And Ariel quickly stands behind Moan.

"Your fault!" The na'vi hissed her words at him as Jake softly spoke "Shh... Easy. easy." As Moana just pinch between her eyes while Ariel just glanced at Moana as the female said "You're like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do." As Ariel whispers to Moana "You think that was an insult for us too.?" "Not, since she's glaring at Jake like the idiot he is." Said Moana.

"Fine." Said Jake as he held his hands in defense he continued "If you love your little forest friends-" "Viperwolves" Moana corrected him which made Jake glare at her he continued once more "Why not let them just kill my ass? What's the thinking?" This made the na'vi somewhat confused as she said "Why save you?"

"Yeah. Why save me?" The female na'vi thoughtfully blinks her large gentle eyes as she answers "You have a strong heart. No fear. But stupid! Ignorant like a child." This made Moana hold her laugh only to be elbowed by Ariel which made her shut up the na'vi turned towards Ariel and Moana as she also said "These two, very wise unlike you.".As the female na'vi turns away as Jake grins as he picks up his spear before following after the female na'vi "NOT AGAIN- JAKE!" Moana and Ariel quickly followed Jake.

"Well, if I'm like a child, then, uh..." Jake began as Ariel gently moves some leave to follow Jake as he said "Look, maybe you should teach me." With a reply of "Sky People cannot learn. You do not see." And Ariel mumbled "Not to mention that you kill a viperwolf..." which made Moana nod at Ariel's words as Jake spoke, "Not helping girls." "Who said we were helping?" Ariel only giggled at Moana's words.

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