♢Chapter 19♢

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It was time. The final ritual of becoming one with the people of the Onetikaya Clan. Tsu'tey adores Ariel's face and body in swirly patterns of white paint. The Na'vi say that every person is born twice. The second time is when you earn your place among The People forever. Jake presented himself, with Ariel and Moana at each of his side, to the village.

Every gathering around the three avatars as Eytukan spoke in Na'vi "You are now a son and daughters of the Omaticaya. You are part of The People." The chief lays his hands on Jake's shoulders, and Neytiri places her hand on Jake's shoulders as well, looking into his eyes with a smile, with Mo'at behind them she places her hands on Ariel's shoulders, Tsu'tey smiles as he looks at Ariel in her eyes as he placed his hand on her shoulders as well. Takuk smiles at Moana as he places his hand on Moana's shoulder.

In the crowd, Grace smiles proudly in admiration for Jake, Moana, and Ariel. The whole village approaches as they lay their hands on Jake, Moana, and Ariel, those further back lay their hands on the person in front so that the whole village is linked with Jake, Moana, and Ariel in the center. Night arrived and the clan began to celebrate the new warriors. Na'vi danced around the fire while other na'vi drank among the others. Ariel and Moana talked among the female hunters, as Moana told the story of her favorite story before ending the story with a joke with made other huntresses burst into laughter.

Ariel is talking to Ninat as they giggle among themselves "I've heard that some warriors are very interested in you Ariel. They are saying that you are so caring to others around." Ariel giggled at this as she spoke "Now, now I'm not that interesting.." she said with a soft chuckle and a purple blush of embarrassment on her cheek as Ninat chuckled at her friend. "I am sure that you'll find a good mate for yourself and not only that but is very closest to you!" Ariel sighs at this with a smile.

Ariel is organizing the herbs as she talks with Mo'at. "You have six sisters?" Mo'at asked in surprise as Ariel nodded "Yes. I'm the youngest among my sisters." Mo'at was amazed by this, she had never heard that sky people would have many children in one light. "Do you miss them?" Mo'at asked as Ariel nodded softly "Yes.. I do very much. Along with my father, strict but loving. Olo'eyktan reminds me of him." She said with a chuckle which made Mo'at chuckle at this "Yes, he can be strict but is very loving to Neytiri and Sylwanin." This caught Ariel's attention she stopped for a moment as she spoke "Tsahìk, who is... Sylwanin.?"

This stops Mo'at. There was silence in the air before she took a deep breath and answered "She... she is Neytiri's eldest sister and.. Tsu'tey's beloved." Ariel listened but she was hesitant to speak as Mo'at continued "She died during the attack of what you sky people called School." This made Ariel gasp silently at this. She remembers now. She remembers the stories that Grace used to tell Moana and Ariel during their time at the Avatar Program, this made Ariel silent before she spoke "I... I am sorry.. sorry for your loss.." she said with a a soft look. Mo'at nodded softly "She might like you... you are curious, and crave for adventure." Said Mo'at which made Ariel smile a little at this.
*Memory Ends*

She just chuckles at the memory "Who do you hope to take as a mate Ninat?" Ariel asked which made Ninat turn purple for the moment before pointing at a warrior, who is talking among others. "Lotxo. Very kind and very helpful.." she said with a dreamy smile which made Ariel giggle at her. Then the music began which caught Ariel's attention, a hand held out to Ariel which made the female avatar look up to see Tsu'tey who had a soft smile on his face. "You must dance, it is the way." He said which made Ariel smile brightly before she gently took his hand only to be swiftly on her feet and dragged to the dancing.

Moana smiled at the sight of this until she felt someone gently tapping her shoulder making her turn to see Takuk. "Let me show how a warrior of the people moves." He said with a confident grin which made Moana playfully scoff "Let us see who dances greatest Takuk!" She said with a smirk before taking Takuk's hand and leading him to the dance. Everyone danced with their partners, with soft smiles and hints of laughter as they danced together along with the clan. Ariel and Tsu'tey danced with smiles as the red-haired avatar let out soft giggles as she danced with him not noticing how Tsu'tey looked Ariel.

Moana and Takuk on the other hand, dance with laughter as they dance to the best of the music and move to each other in movement. Once the dance ends, Takuk still holds Moana's hands before he speaks "Come! I want to show you.." before he leads Moana from the others and leads her to the forest. Takuk leads Moana to a glowing glade of weeping willows frommes, Moana smiles softly as flying lizards fly around them flashing brightly in the air around them. Moana with a teasing smile gently pulled Takuk's tail who let whipped his head towards Moana with a playful scowl at her.

"Come. Come." He said grabbing her hands with soft laughter, as Takuk led Moana through the illuminated vines, running his hands through the glowing curtain. Moana does likewise, as she gently runs her hands through the glowing vines in awe of the vines. "This is a place for prayers to be heard." He said as Moana muttered the words "The Tree of Voices... I've always wanted to see it." She said softly with a smile on her face. Takuk nodded with a smile as he spoke "Yes, and sometimes answers." He said as he took the end of his braid before bonding with the tree. "We called these Utraya Mokri." He said, Moana then gently took the end of her braid as well before she bonded with the luminesces kestrels as well. Her eyes widened when she heard voices and laughter as well.

"I hear them.." she said with a bright smile, Takuk smiled as he walked close to her. "They lived Moana, within Eywa." He said softly to her as he stared long into her eyes. "You are Omatikaya now. You may make your bow from the wood of the Hometree. And..." he leans closer to Moana who stares at him with a soft look in her eyes. "You may choose a man.." he said before leaning close to her to which Moana spoke "Who do you think I should choose as my man?" With a grin on her face, Takuk spoke "I know a certain person who seems fit for you.."

Gently placing his hands on her cheek before Moana leaned closer, kissing him on the lips. Takuk then gently steps back as he leads her to a spot before taking his braid at the end with Moana doing the same. They untie their braids only to be met with a feeling of love and affection for each other, Moana then moves closer as Takuk wraps his arms around her waist to pull her into his lap, and the two kiss again. "I am yours, and you are mine. We are mated to life.." Takuk's voice echoes in Moana's mind.

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