♦︎Chapter 30♦︎

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It has been two weeks since the battle of the Tree of Souls, and things have been going well... so far. Ariel is helping some of the na'vi with their injuries then she picks her bag to go check another with their wounds but she stops when she hears familiar giggles.

With a smile, Ariel pretended not to hear the sound of children hiding from Ariel. Then suddenly they came out exclaiming at her which made Ariel let out a playful scream "Good job little hunters!" Said Ariel with a smile as the children let out bright laughter as the younger children ran over to Ariel, wanting to be picked up. Ariel has taken herself not only as a healer but as a mother figure to young na'vi children who lose their parents or other relatives in the battle. "Now, now, children.. shouldn't you all be watched by Leawa?" Ariel asked them, as one of the children spoke "We snuck away! We wanted to see you Sa'nok!"

Ariel let out a soft chuckle at this, ever since Ariel has been taking care of the children, they've been calling her Sa'nok, which means 'Mother' in Na'vi. "But if you snuck away, you might worry others as well, and you'll make me worry if one of you snuck away from my sight.." said Ariel as she patted their heads "And what would happen if you all were in danger without an adult around?" The children let out sad pouts as they looked down as they all spoke "Sorry Sa'nok.." Ariel stares at all of them before she smiles softly "Best you hunt Leawa down parultsyìp.." she says with a grin.

All of the children smiled brightly before they all ran off to hunt Leawa down. Ariel chuckles at the children before she walks off, Ariel then notices a familiar face as she walks towards Mo'at with a smile. "I see you Mo'at." Ariel greeted with a gesture, her hand to her forehead and Mo'at did the same to Ariel "Come, child. I have some remedies for you to remember and to use in time of need." Said Mo'at.

Mo'at has been teaching the ways of healing to Ariel who's learning very quickly and has been using them to heal the sick and wounded as well. But there is one problem that Ariel has to deal with, as Ariel is learning the herbs, she sees Artsut, and she greatly her politely "I see you Artsut." Said Ariel only to meet with a glare from Artsut.

Artsut is the mother of Tsu'tey and his younger brother, Arvok whom she gets along fine. Ariel remembers the reaction from his parents, how his mother was strongly opposed to this union between Tsu'tey and Ariel, claiming that Tsu'tey would have found a better mate than a dreamwalker. And Tsu'tey's father wasn't any better, Ateyo, refusing to see that Ariel would be a good woman for his eldest son. And finally, Payja. Tsu'tey's uncle and Artsut's brother. There was something off when she first met him, a dark aura around him and his glare slightly scared her as well.

Payja has a family of his own as well, two sons and a daughter. From what Tsu'tey has told her, his mother is skilled in healing and herbalist while his uncle is skilled in knowing everything single poison and venomous plants.

"Do not worry about Artsut, Ariel, let us continue with the healing." Said Mo'at who gave Artsut a look, as she gently showed her how to mix a herb. Then Mo'at turned towards Artsut and walked towards her with narrow eyes "You could be nicer to Ariel, she's a great healer and is a faster leaner." To which Artsut replied with a sneer "I do not care for that demon. My son is foolish to choose a dreamwalker as a mate and the mother of his children." "Former dreamwalker." Mo'at corrects her with a narrow voice.

"If those dreamwalkers hadn't come to the hometree, we would have still our home and not the many deaths along with as well!" Artsut hissed at Mo'at before stomping away. Mo'at had narrowed eyes as she watched Artsut walk away. Ariel had heard all of this, as she had a frown on her face. Once Ariel is done, she looks for Tsu'tey, finding him taking Takuk and Moana.

Tsu'tey turned to see Ariel walking towards him, with a smile on his face he walked away from Takuk and Moana. They greeted each other with a gentle touch as she spoke "I see you Tsu'tey." "I see you, my love." Then they walked near a tree and sat close to each other. "How is with The People?" Tsu'tey asked as he took out a fruit for them to eat and he broke it in half. "It is well, the children have been practicing their skill in hunting. Good hunters they will be as future hunters." Said Ariel to which Tsu'tey as he gives a piece to her.

"Good, we will need more hunters in the clan." Said Tus'tey as he took a bite from the fruit. Ariel eats her fruit with a smile but Tsu'tey stares at her, something is on Ariel's mind. Then he spoke, "Something worries you, my love." Ariel let out s sigh as she spoke "It is... your mother." "What did she do?" Tsu'tey asked her with a concerned look on his face. "No, it's just... her dislike." She said which made Tus'tey frown at this. He knew his parents and uncle approved of Ariel or Jake Sully as the new Olo'eyktan.

Meanwhile, behind a waterfall. Artsut daters at the glowing plants full of poisonous liquid, then Ateyo walked through the waterfall with Payja following behind "The demon, Jake Sully is alone my sister." Said Payja to his sister "Do you understand your part brother?" Said Artsut to her brother as she turned to see Ateyo taking out a knife and walking towards his mate holding it out to her. "Yes, I shall challenge Jake Sully. I'll make our clan a better future, you must risk things to succeed my sister." Said Payja.

Artsut then picked up one of the plants and poured it down on the knife as she spoke "Careful. A single drop in the blood and death come swiftly." To her mate, Ateyo who understands his mate completely. "A single drop in the blood and the people are free of the demon's delusions. We cannot surrender to bleakness, my love. These sad events unfold the Omatikaya to a better future we cannot yet see." Said Ateyo. As Payja nodded at his words "And that, we start by killing Jake Sully."

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