♢Chapter 13♢

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Ariel was taking notes as she looked through the microscope while Moana was also writing things down. They hear Jake let out a sigh, who's doing a video log as he spoke "Do I have to do this? I... I need to get some rack." Only for Grace to reply "No, now. When it's fresh." And sent a firm look to Jake as he let out a sigh before he began his video log. Ariel and Moana were starting to understand more clearly as a na'vi learning the ways of the people and understanding the culture of Eywa. Ariel learned more herbs and plants to heal under Mo'at's guidance while Moana started to fight well in combat and with weapons as well.

Ariel and Moana were learning how to use a bow and arrow. Tsu'tey watched them use a bow as he spoke in a firm voice "Do better." Ariel and Moana both nodded before did their bow technique, only to be fixed by Tsu'tey. Ariel and Moana then watched from the sidelines as Norm attempted to teach Jake to speak na'vi who looked miserable at this. Moana and Ariel already knew how to speak in Na'vi but gave extra help to Jake to help him speak in Na'vi. Moana calls Jake 'skxawng' which means moron. Norm's attitude has also improved but is still a bit jealous of Jake, Ariel, and Moana.

Ariel and Moana run every day. Getting tougher, along with the branches of the trees, catching up with Tsu'tey on the runs. They watched as Tsu'tey swung onto a branch ahead to get to the other side, Ariel used the branch to swing herself on the other side while Moana made a head leap over the side. They also learn more about riding a pa'li, a direhorse. Ariel let out a soft laughter as she had her direhorse trotted over to Moana who gently jogged her direhorse only to hear a SPLAT! They turn to face Jake who falls off his direhorse, again. Ariel holds back her laughter while Moana laughs at Jake's fallen in the mud. During another lesson in the rainforest, Tsu'tey teaches them how to hunt. He studies the footprints of the prey, touching the footprints before sniffing it, smelling the tiniest scents of it. Ariel and Moana watched him carefully but weren't alone, Ka'ani and Saeyla were with them during the lesson. Ka'ani seems to get along with Moana and Ariel but Saeyla seems to be glaring at Ariel who is unbothered by the glare.

Ariel understood that other women in the Omatikaya seemed to be very interested, by interested she meant in love with Tsu'tey. She can easily tell that Saeyla has a crush on Tsu'tey, but Ariel can see why she has a crush on Tsu'tey. He is very handsome, a strong warrior, and brave heart. But Ariel is always distracted, never noticing his physical appearance. But Moana on the other hand... it would seem that someone was interested in her. Another warrior, one of Tsu'tey's closest warriors, Takuk leads Moana somewhere in the forest. Creeping on a female Nantang, carrying for her pups. Moana can only stare in awe of this, quietly watching them not noticing that Takuk turns his gaze onto her with a soft look on his face. Fierce and Cunning warrior but aloof and condescending at times, but only softened when it came to Moana.

Moana is doing combat lessons with Ka'ani and Saeyla. Ariel wasn't with them as she had lessons with Mo'at. Moana is paired with Takuk who gave a look of arrogance at the female avatar. "Ready to lose demon?" Takuk spoke as Moana replied with narrow eyes "You wish.." the training begins with the two coming at each other.

Takuk is fast which Moana admits as she blocked his attacks then it was her turn to attack, hitting on his back and leg as they fought without holding back. Takuk ducks Moana's hit as he tackled her only to be kicked off quickly before being pinned down with the foot to the chest and her staff in hand as she held Takuk down with narrow eyes. Takuk stares at Moana in shock, that he lost to a dreamwalker. But for some reason... he stares at her, staring at her blue eyes, curly dark brown hair, her tattoos, and her turquoise skin. She looked... beautiful in his eyes. Moana then got off of him before holding her hand out to him. Takuk stared at her in shock as he glanced at her hand and then at her once again before he took her hand and slowly got up. "You're good." Said Moana which made Takuk nod softly as he spoke "Yes... you are as well." He didn't realize that he was beginning to feel strange feelings for Moana.
*Memory Ends*

Another run in the forest this time with Ariel and Tsu'tey, bounded along branches in sun dapple jungle canopy. Tsu'tey dives off into thin air, and Ariel hesitates. Tsu'tey breaks the fall by dropping into a series of flat bright green leaves as he lands on his feet. Ariel blinks at this before stepping back for a moment before she jumps taking a leap of faith but graceful but it is a start as she drops into a series of the leaves before landing on her feet. Shaking off the feeling for a moment before she looked up, Tsu'tey nodded off this with a hint of improvement in her training.

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