Chapter 1

796 13 12

Authors note:
den den mushi
(Thunderbird talks)
[phoenix talks]
~authors intervention~

Luffys cabin:

Luffys cabin:

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Luffy's pov

I go to the beach to train in the middle of the night due to a vivid nightmare. I continue to train throughout the morning. In the middle of training the sun was just rising, and my owl friend Alina hoots and flies towards me alerting me that there is a body that has washed up onto the beach. I walk over and notice that it's a man. I lean over him and feel for his pulse and it's a weak one but it's still there. I decided to help, which is unusual for me to do because I normally am cautious of strangers that I don't know because I was betrayed once. I flip him over and I immediately notice the whitebeard symbol and I back away.

(think Luffy think, what if he's a good guy) but what if he betrays me? (just help the poor man) my thunderbird tells me.

I start doing CPR on the man who as I look closer at his face I recognize him as Marco, the first mate of the Whitebeard pirates. He coughs up so much sea water, and murmurs "thank you" before passing out.

I turn into my thunderbird form and grab his body in my talons and bring him to my cabin. Once I make it to my cabin I drag/carry Marco into the cabin. Once in the cabin I put macro on my couch and proceeded to cut off his shorts to find a bullet wound to his leg and a stab wound to his lower stomach and applied bandages to his wound and I covered him up with a blanket as I waited.

Day 1

Marco woke up for a brief second before passing back out again, after I checked his head I went to go get more firewood. I can't help but wonder why he has a stab wound to his stomach.

Day 2

Still no progress with Marco-san

Day 3

Marcos fever is gone, he should be waking up soon.

Marcos pov:

I was on the Moby Dick when Teach betrayed us. I had this bad feeling that something was going to happen. When I entered Thatch's room I saw Teach standing over a fallen Thatch. I yelled out to Thatch and ran over to help him when Teach mocked me, "go ahead and help poor Thatchy. But you're too late, I stabbed him with a poisoned knife." I released a wave of haki to alert and wake up the other commanders before getting up to chase after Teach. I got out of Thatch's room just as Oyaji and Izo reached the room. One of Teach's friends stabs me in the stomach with a haki covered knife. I double over in pain and grunts. Causing pops to turn around and yells at Teach's friend to let me go. I didn't realize he had me by the arm. He let me go but not before tossing me over and shooting me. I turned into my phoenix form just before hitting the water.

I start to wake up to see a young woman sitting and tending to a fire in a fireplace. I then look around and spot yellow-golden feathers all over the place. I look down at myself and realize that I'm covered with a blanket. I lift up the blanket and instead of seeing pants, I can only see my boxers. I gasp and catch her attention. "You're finally awake, thank goodness I didn't have to call for a doctor to come to the island, even though I don't like them. Anyway you must be confused as to why you are in your boxers, I had to take off your pants to clean them, and it was covering up your stab wound. Also you've been out for three days and six hours." she says.

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