Green shards of glass part 1

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I'm not dead I promise! Lol it's been a bit of a messy month, I'm participating on artfight so I've been focusing a lot on that and Green's story is a bit more complicated for me since it's technically the last storyline before the ending so I gotta make it work. This is only part 1 tho. The song Green sings in this chapter is called Breathe by Anna Nalick in case anyone is interested.


The ride back home was quiet. 

Green sat on the backseat, looking out the window to the houses passing by. One hand gently pressing an ice pack against his bruised cheek. 

His stepdad, Celadon drove the car, never taking the focus off the road, but Green knew he was upset. 

─ Dad… ─ Green started, but got interrupted by his angry stepfather. 

─ I cannot believe you. ─ Celadon started, glaring at the road as he drove along. ─ You're fucking impossible. It's my only day off of the entire month and I have to waste it on you again! 

On most days, Green wouldn't mind the scolding, after all, Green was used to it.. But hearing Celadon muttering under his breath made him feel horrible. 

─ This is the fifth time you're done this. I'm tired of it! ─ Celadon continued with an angry sigh. 

─ He started dad! It wasn't my fault! ─ Green glared back, angry and tired of this one sided conversation already. 

─ Not your fault?! No, no! This has Green written all over it! What about the marching band? Or the chemistry team? Or the debate team? Were those also not your fault? ─ Celadon rolled his eyes, done with his stepson's excuses. ─ Everytime you enroll in a new group, disaster follows. I'm starting to see a pattern there! 

Green didn't respond, Celadon was right. 

─ And now you managed to get kicked out of the music club as well, unbelievable. ─ His stepfather continued to rant, angrily gripping on to the wheel. 

But at that moment, Green made an effort to tune him out, staring at the blurry shapes going by his window and wishing he wasn't there as Celadon continued to ramble. 

Truth be told, Green enjoyed the music club, he was always passionate about writing songs and creating melodies. He put lots of effort into making some friends there. 

He was not very successful. 

No matter how hard Green tried, everything seemed to be just a tad bit too irritating to him. Someone's voice was a bit too loud, a melody that didn't quite hit well enough for his standards, an older club member being a bit too smug about getting praised. 

His blood boiled over today, it was inevitable and now he was being punished for it. 

It wasn't his fault. Not in his head at least. That smug little fucker deserved a well given punch, Green just didn't expected him to get up and give it back in equal force. 

The thoughts made his sore jaw hurt more, so he pressed the ice pack a bit harder against that spot, a soft sigh escaping his lips. 

When they arrived home, his father Moss was already waiting at the door, arms crossed and an angry look on his face. 

Green rolled his eyes and got out of the car, walking right past him at the door, ignoring as he called his name, yelling at him about what he had done. 

He closed the door before he could hear the end of the conversation. 

Green was not one to cry, he stopped crying a long time ago. He just sat in his bed, looking down at the floor for what felt like at least 10 minutes before taking a deep breath. 

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