xix. Trouble

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January 2014 – New Orleans, Louisiana

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January 2014 – New Orleans, Louisiana

Elijah Mikaelson was doing a terrible job staying out of New Orleans.

He had only been gone for a couple of weeks and here he was, back in the city he was trying to stay away from. They had been in the air when his brother attempted to contact him numerous times. So instead, he landed to a flurry of texts and voicemails informing him that Camille had been taken and they were unable to locate her.

Without bothering to return the calls, he and his entourage made their way to the Quarter. The scene they arrived to in the compound did not at all surprise Elijah.

There was splintered wood near the wall as if someone had smashed a chair against it. Freya was in the center of the chaos with a map of the city laid out in front of her.

"You need to find her, now!" Klaus was in the midst of shouting at his older sister.

"Niklaus, that is not necessary," Elijah made his entrance in his usual sweeping manner, his associates trailing behind him. All except Raphael who was stuck at the front door. "Freya, would you be a dear and invite my friend inside?"

"Brother," Klaus stopped in his tracks to take in the sight before him. "What are you doing here?" 

"You quite adamantly demanded I return to aid you in your search for Camille."

"And here I thought you had turned your back on your family completely," Elijah couldn't help but notice the panic in his little brother's eyes.

"And what kind of man would I be if I turned my back on a 1,000-year-old vow," Eliajh clasped his brother's shoulder, bringing him closer. "I'm here, always and forever."

"I need to find her," Klaus whispered, not bothering to hide the quiver in his voice.

"And we shall," Elijah pulled away and gestured to his companions. "Which is why I brought reinforcements."


The ringing in her ears told Cami that the sleep she was awakening from was not a natural sleep. The looming figure standing over her told her it also was not one from an overindulgence at the bar.

"Who the hell are you?" She demanded, attempting to summon every ounce of the brave bartender Klaus saw in her.

"Oh good you're awake," the red-headed woman smiled brightly at her, crouching into a low curtsey. "My name is Aurora de Martel."

The confused look on Camille's face didn't win her any point with her captor.

"I'm sure Nik has mentioned me."

"Ah, someone from Klaus' past." Camille surmised based on the nickname. "Look, I don't know what you want from Klaus, but harming me will not win you any favors."

"You're a cocky little thing," Aurora laughed, as she watched Cami struggle to her feet, still unsteady from being knocked over the head.

"How did you get into my apartment?" Cami tried to remember the events of the evening. She had planned to meet Klaus for dinner and was getting ready at her apartment when she heard a crash from her front door.

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