xxiii. Glory and Gore

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Summer 1001 - Vinland

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Summer 1001 - Vinland

Tatia was still adjusting to the heat of the summer even after almost two years of living in the village. She fanned herself with her hand trying to stop the sweat from falling down her face.

"Astra," the young woman called out as she watched the witch attempt to speed past her. Even after all of this time, Astra still seemed to avoid her if Elijah wasn't around. But Tatia knew she wouldn't directly ignore her.

"Tatia," Astra came to a halt, giving her a forced smile. "I didn't see you there."

"Of course," Tatia let her have it, not bothering to point out it was impossible for her to have missed her. "I was about to head over to help Esther with the crops if you would like to join."

Astra had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Tatia had spent the better part of the last year inserting herself into Elijah's family, specifically with Rebekah and Esther. Even as Astra wanted to tease the girl, she felt a wave of envy wash over her. Esther had never allowed her to fully feel like part of the family. She was always kept on the outside, watching. Even if Mikael and Esther were terrible, she was envious of the big family Elijah always seemed to be surrounded by.

"I don't think so," Astra shrugged. "Esther hates me and would rather do the work herself than have me around her."

"That'll make it all the more fun," Tatia gave a devilish smile Astra didn't even know the woman was capable of. "Besides, I need someone to distract her. If I have to hear one more story about the dangers of the wolf-people, I think I will scream."

They were both caught off guard by Astra's laugh, but Tatia's face lit up at the fact that she had elicited it.

"So, you'll come with," she pushed, a smile etched across her face as she grabbed the other woman's hands.

"I'll come," Astra sighed but felt a matching smile form on her own lips. Tatia squealed and gave a little hop of excitement, but as she landed, she felt her knees go weak. Fortunately, Astra noticed as soon as it happened and her arms wrapped around her waist in time to catch her before she fell.

"Tatia," she gasped. "Are you alright?"

She fanned the woman's face with her hand, hoping to cool her down enough to stand on her own.

"I'm alright," Tatia gathered herself enough that Astra felt comfortable releasing her. "It's just the heat."

"Then let's get you out of the sun," Astra gestured for them to walk arm-in-arm to the hut in fear that the woman would collapse once again. Tatia slipped her arms into Astra's outstretched arm, squeezing it in gratitude.

February 2014 - New Orleans, Louisiana

"What the hell are you doing?" Hayley looked around the damp room in confusion. She had expected to enter the room and find the familiar sight of Elijah sitting in the corner of his cell, eyes closed, as Astra or Rebekah attempted to get through to him. They had already deprived him of blood for twenty-four hours and still, he did not seem affected by anything they did.

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