xxix. Lead Me Home

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Summer 1001 – Vinland

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Summer 1001 – Vinland

Elijah was grateful for the summer solstice. It had been providing a suitable distraction for him as he was building his future home for his family. He had been letting up on his training duties which would eventually be noticed by Mikael. But he had promised Tatia they would have a finished home by the time the baby came. He had also promised that he would tell Niklaus and they would be married before she began showing.

He still hadn't talked himself up to it yet. He was a coward, avoiding his younger brother for fear of what it would do to their relationship.

"It's quite a home you've built out here," Elijah spun around to find his father standing in the small room he had built. "Incredible that you've found the time with all of your pressing duties."

"Father, I was only—"

"Don't lie to me boy," his father growled and Elijah hated that he flinched. He wanted to be strong enough to stand up to Mikael but he never seemed to be able to. "You've been sneaking out here, shirking off your duties. And all for what? That pretty brunette?"

Elijah's eye widened a fraction but it was enough for Mikael to notice. He gave his son a devious smirk at the confession.

"I don't believe your brother would be happy to discover such a thing."

It wasn't the first time Mikael had used Elijah's love for his siblings as a threat to keep him in line. Mikael had always wanted a warrior but he hadn't thought of what it would be like for his son to surpass him as Elijah had begun to. Not only in skill but in the respect of their village. Where Mikael approached life as it was a battle to be won, Elijah entered into it with diplomacy. He had been seeking to create peace and stability in their region. It infuriated his father who viewed negotiating and compromise as a weakness.

"What do you want?" He bit out as he ground his teeth together.

"You have sway with the village," Mikael began. "I want you to side with me at the next assembly."

Elijah was already shaking his head before his father could finish his demand. Mikael and a small group had been championing a war against the wolves. The people of the region were beginning to get nervous as more and more Norsemen began to find their way to their tiny village and as they expanded, they did so into the Deep Water Pack's territory, pushing them into the neighboring tribe. Ansel and Elijah had been able to come to an understanding but few members of the village were unhappy with this agreement. And no one was more vocal about it then his own father.

"You're mad," Elijah snarled. "I will not start a war simply to keep my secret."

"You are either foolish or naïve and either way you are not fit to lead," Mikael advanced in the small quarters but Elijah held his stance. "A war is coming whether you wish it or not. The only thing for you to do is decide whether or not you want your brother on the front lines with you. I've seen his training lately. How long do you think Niklaus will last when the wolves come for him?"

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