xxiv. My Mind and Me

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Summer 1001 - Vinland

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Summer 1001 - Vinland

Tatia wandered deeper into the woods, a basket full of food in hand. The fainting spells had lessened in the past week and she felt confident she could make the trek on her own.

The location Elijah had settled on was further away than she would have liked, but he swore the view from the top of the hill was worth it. And she had to admit, the view was spectacular.

However, she could do without the hike. As she made her way to the small clearing at the top of the hill, another view took her breath away.

Elijah had stripped down to his breeches as he hammered a plank into place. She watched as his muscles stretched and bulged in his back with his every move. He was truly captivating and she couldn't find it in her to look away.

Tatia was so distracted watching him that she didn't even notice him turn around, catching her intent stare.

"Hi," he said with a warm smile as he walked over to her to take the basket out of her hands. "I didn't realize you were coming up here today. I would have walked with you."

"Which is why I didn't tell you," Tatia leaned up to brush her lips against his lightly, her hand trailing across his taut abs. "You hardly get any time up here, I didn't want to interrupt."

"It's a welcome interruption." He took her hand and led her forward. She had been so distracted by his presence she hadn't even taken in the progress he had made since the last time she had visited him. "Come, I want to show you around."

He excitedly led her through the small frame that would be a door, gesturing for her to watch her step. She took in the outline that would be their home. It still had far to go before it would be ready, but Elijah had carefully constructed the foundation.

"This will be the main living area," he gestured to the largest section of the foundation. "And our cot will go back there. Hale's cot across from there."

He gestured so animatedly that she could see exactly what he was imagining. She could see their bed in the back corner and Hale's cot across from the fire. They would have their meals together at a small table Elijah would construct for them, the same table he would teach Hale to whittle at.

"The crib will go right here," he pulled her further into the small area, back to near where their bed would go.

"You've thought of everything," she murmured, her hand resting on her stomach. She felt Elijah come behind her and wrap his arms around her, his hands resting over hers. He sighed so deeply into her hair that she knew exactly how he felt. So completely content in their life and their future.

February 2014 - New Orleans, Louisiana

As the world faded to black as Hayley gripped Elijah's hand hoping to ground herself, but suddenly she was holding on to nothing. She felt the world shift and she was back on her feet.

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