{🧡Silence in Darkness🧡}

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Trigger Warnings: Attempted assault and rape. I know people who have gone through this and experienced it further sadly. My heart goes out to victims of assault and rape and I hope justice goes in your favor.

 My heart goes out to victims of assault and rape and I hope justice goes in your favor

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After meeting the turtles, reader was wrapped into their world and way of life quickly. A main reason being that talking wasn't easy for her. Their first meeting was after Mikey had fallen off a building and into a dumpster. Reader had been drawing in her sketchbook and heard the noise through her headphones. Sitting on the edge of her fire escape looking out to the city, getting inspiration from the colorful lights.

Taking off her headphones and looking over the fence to see what happened, Mikey was looking up laying on his shell in the dumpster with his legs hanging out. Obviously being too big to fit completely. Reader paused her music and rushed down to check on him. Freaking out over the fact he was a giant mutant turtle quietly in her head. His brothers came down quickly, making sure she wasn't going to take a picture or try to expose them, then realizing she wanted to get close to Mikey.

Donnie had checked his brother and then reader did the same. Pulling out some gum from her pocket, and offering some to the orange-clad turtle. Once doing the same to the three other mutants, they tried to talk her out of telling someone. When she only nodded and didn't respond, Donnie had come to the assumption she was mute.

"We should get going now, have a good night, um-" he paused waiting for her to at least give them some sort of title to her person.

"Reader." the turtles nodded and began to leave. Mikey had stayed behind and asked for her number then put her name as 'Mouse 🐭' on his phone. For shits and giggles, she put him under 'Turtle with Orange zazz'. Since then they've been close, but not enough for her to talk vocally.

She would either respond with head movements, or writing, and sometimes facial expressions. Mikey was the most persistent, why wouldn't he? Outgoing extroverts always love to make shy introverts come out of their comfort zone to make something bright of themselves that shows others they're more than a stereotypical quiet kid.

Music had also become a way of interaction between the quartet and small human. While reader had a variety of preferences, they weren't picky, so they bonded with each of the turtles over their music. Mikey was a hiphop guy, while Leo loved Metal and Raph preferred classic Rock like David Bowie, Queen, Metallica, and Joan Jett. Donnie was more indie than any of them, but occasionally listened to rap while experimenting on side projects.

Reader would sometimes stay the night a couple months after meeting and tonight was one of those nights. Some would say sleeping on the couch was uncomfortable, especially the couch the turtles had. Reader would disagree, it was more comfortable than her bed back home. For what reason? She didn't know, and didn't need to know. However, tonight she felt restless and couldn't go to bed. On impulsive thoughts, she decided to walk near the pier and take a breather. Not knowing Mikey was following from the rooftops.

He had gotten up to go get some water when he saw her walking out of the lair with her red and gray-lined jumper Raph had given her for her birthday. Being the chivalrous turtle that he was, he went to make sure she was safe. So far everything was good, and Mikey was just admiring her from afar. While also being a good friend and ready to step-in if need. She may be shy but that didn't mean she couldn't fight.

Just then a guy wearing a gray hoodie had stopped her to talk. Getting a nervous feeling, Mikey got his weapons ready, even though he most likely wouldn't need them.

"Hey little lady, whatcha' doin' out here?"

"Walking." Vague and simple, almost always gets the guy to lose interest. Sadly this guy wasn't right in the head and pushed her against the railing putting a hand on her neck. She punched him on the sides making him belch in pain. She tried running back to the lair but the guy ended up tripping her and got on top of her. Holding her arms with one hand and the other heading towards her pants.

Suddenly getting kicked into the railing and ended up falling down to the beach below. Reader got up to look over and saw the guy knocked out. Or dead? Who knows, he was off of her and that's what mattered. Finally noticing the giant shadow next to her, she turned and took Mikeys' appearance in. Still a bit shaken from the experience she took some deep breaths making Mikey look at her.

"You okay?" she nodded in response. Mikey didn't expect her to talk, not after that. He put a hand on her back and guided her lightly to the direction back to the lair. While in the alley heading to a sewer grate, she gained some strength in her voice to talk.

"Thanks for that." Mikey paused for a sec then continued while smiling.

"Just doing the right thing. You can always count on me you know?" he asked, though it sounded more of a statement then anything. She nodded and waited for the grate to be opened.

"Really though, I think I might need more training. Wanna help?"

"Sure, anything to spend time with my favorite human. Don't tell April." reader laughed lightly and made her way down the ladder.

"My lips are sealed." The rest of the way they held a conversation. Once arriving they said goodnight and the next morning they were talking to each other first thing. The others confused on what had happened for this to be the result, didn't question it vocally until reader left the lair to get ready for work at the bakery.

Mikey only said they took a walk last night and bonded. Call it what you will, but Mikey was glad she came out her shell in the right way after that experience. He'd hurt or kill anyone who tried that again.

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