I Can't, Not Now or Ever!!!!

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AN: who's ready for this chapter some drama

Courtney's POV

7:50 PM

I had no choice but to stay well thankfully there was a hand dryer, the downfall is I had to crouch underneath it to dry my hair.

When the rain ☔️ started falling I just quickly covered myself as fast as I could, unfortunately, my flat ironed hair got ruined resulting in my elbow-length hair looking less straight.

I'm surprised I let it grow this long back when I was a teenager I use to keep it a bit past my shoulders, but seeing as long hair can also be professional I thought why not. And occasionally I would curl it.

Sighing heavily I ran my fingers through it to fix it the best I could, in the end, I swept it to the side. Afterwards, I touched up my makeup 💄 good thing I carried my compact and eyeliner.

Once I fixed myself I checked to make sure I looked decent. Gazing at my reflection my mind started wandering thinking of everything up til now, it was all about making something of myself to show Dad I'm capable.

My phone buzzed but when I looked at the screen I rolled my eyes seeing the Devil 👿 calling me, " Oh Dad if you think 💭 talking to me now is a good idea then think again " I said pressing the decline button.

He just never saw it in me, but now that I no longer have to deal with him...I'm free.

Everyone suddenly started cheering very loud, meaning the band playing tonight must be preparing to go on stage.

" Might as well go watch " I sighed exiting the women's washroom but as I did everyone only got louder and wilder, I could barely get out of the washroom. " Geez this is impossible " I grunt trying to walk through.



Just as the bands' names was announced everyone around me jumped more and got wilder, I had to stand pressed up against people while covering my ears and wait til they stopped.

Okay this was getting to be super annoying, why did I come in here, before I went to the ladies' room this place wasn't as full.

The band must be pretty popular to have drawn in this crowd.

Just then someone started speaking from the stage but I could barely hear due to the loud scream from earlier. I'm not sure what type of music was going to be played but whatever it was please don't let it be tacky death metal music 🎶.

" and I hope you guys enjoy it "

Finally, everyone quieted down a bit for me to at least hear someone speak, but I gotta admit his voice was soothing and oddly familiar.

When the music 🎵 started playing everyone went quiet and whispered low, now gave me the chance to walk toward the bar. Glancing at the doors which were now closed and the bodyguards from earlier were inside, I managed to see it was still raining ☔️ outside.

Sighing heavily I came to get a drink 🥃 might as well quietly make my way to the bar, I gotta admit the music sounded really good actually more than good.

I still wasn't able to get a glance at the band but still, the song playing sounded so sad and heartbreaking 💔. It was making me think of when...shaking my head no I can't...not going there.

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