Verdict: Court Day 2 pt.1

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AN: Judgement Day!!! What's your thought on the outcome!!!!

Normal POV

Court House

10:00 AM

Crowds of fans were chanting as they stood outside the courthouse...


It was a repeat of the first court day trial photographers, paparazzi, cameras and reporters from various news stations were crowded outside as well as fans, eagerly awaiting the outcome of today's verdict.

Amongst the many camera crews, the documentary crew was also present 🎥.

Once Tony had come up with a plan ensuring " The Rebels " that the court day would be shown differently, they got permission to film the court day. Courtney then went ahead and remade the contract, making sure it satisfied and met everyone's demands.

Standing outside by the doorways of the courtroom were Celebrity Manhunts popular anchors...

" Good morning Toronto...We are live at the courthouse to witness the outcome of the popular band " The Rebels " I'm Blainley " she announced with her co-star beside her.

" And I'm Josh...many fans eagerly await to know what the verdict is for this band and what the future holds for them? " he declared before Blainley spoke.

" Many still say that the future of " The Rebels " is uncertain and that their reputation could be unrepairable," said Blainley "whereas others say they could come out of this scandal unphased " speaks Josh.


Meanwhile, inside the courtroom just like before Courtney with Noah and Emma were seated on the left side, including The Rebels with Chris.

Meanwhile, the Plaintiffs were on the right where once again Marcus was present.

Also present like last time was Courtney's dad sitting behind Marcus.

It's been some time since they last saw one another, especially when they were involved in creating that false news resulting in more problems.

" I can't believe your dad's here, " said Geoff glancing to the side "Clearly he's here to either see you if you're all guilty or watch me choke " answers Courtney ignoring his presence.

When arriving Mr.Preston gave that expression Courtney knew all too well which meant "You're in over your head " Today she was not going to let his mind games get to her.

They were all well-prepared for today, weeks of going over anything that might have occurred or missed. As well as help from others to find 🔍 more evidence to prove that the drugs never belonged to them.

Thankfully it had been kept safe. Chris made sure to speak to all of the tour staff regarding all incidents that occurred.

Hopefully, with what's discussed and presented today they can all go back to having their lives back.


Courtney's POV

Looking over my notes 📓 I was prepared for whatever might happen, as well as reminding myself to not let anything lose my concentration.

Taking a deep breath in I already knew what to say, ask and how to answer. I wouldn't have spent long hours preparing for today, especially when I spoke with the guys I advised them to be ready.

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