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A few weeks passed since Nathan's and I kiss along with the night we slept together cuddling.

I still consider Nathan my bestfriend and he even treats me like im still his bestfriend. The only thing that was throwing me off was the biggest secret that i was hiding from him.

I like him.

I think about Nathan everyday and every night. I can't stand the thought of him being with another girl from our school. I love his stupid curly hair when it falls in front of his eyes and his stupid dark brown eyes that I always get lost in.

I mostly love his lips. His beautiful rose pink lips that felt so soft and gentle when they touched mine.

It makes me want to kiss him even more.

I came out of my thoughts when my history teacher placed a packet in front of my face. "Pay attention Larrea, that's the project that you shall work on which is due next Monday."

My teacher rolled his eyes and I rolled my eyes when he turned his back towards me walking up to his desk in front of the classroom.

I examined the packet and saw that we had to work with a assigned partner. I gasped when I read the name "Malcolm" in a messy handwriting under the words that said "Partner here."

I soon then turned around a little to look at Malcolm who was already looking at me smirking.

Oh great, now not only do I have stress from dealing with liking my best friend but now I have stress from having to work with this son of a bitch.

The bell rang for school to finally end and I got up packing my books and pens into my shoulder bag. I soon felt a tap touch my shoulder and i turned around to see Malcolm hovered over me.

"So..weird girl who made her little boyfriend punch me is my partner?" He smirked to himself and put his fingers in my hair twirling it but i quickly backed away and walked away from him quickly.

"See you at my place for the project!" Is he crazy? What makes him think I would ever visit his house for a stupid project?

When I walked outside the school building, I glimpsed at Nathan who was on his phone smiling and chuckling to himself.

I soon went up to him and looked up at him but when I did he covered his phone immediately.

"Who are you texting dummy?" I smiled at him and he looked down at me while rubbing his neck a bit. He always rubs his neck when he's nervous or when he's about to lie so that easily made me question myself and even brought a jealous look on my face before I knew who it was.

"It's just some girl who gave me her instagram, why does it even matter Larrea?" Nathan chuckled at me and I rolled my eyes walking away from him.

Some girl, is he fucking serious? Especially after we kissed and cuddled? I felt myself build up a lot of anger and as I was walking home to the point that I kicked over someone's trash can as tears filled my eyes.

I turned a little back to see Nathan walk the other way just to go home. He didn't even decide to catch up with me. I know it was expected because of my attitude but I just thought he was maybe going to ask if I was okay or something.

When I reached home I quickly opened my front door and slammed it shut behind me. I looked up to see my dad drinking in the kitchen and I just rolled my eyes and walked right past him and upstairs to my bedroom.

I hopped onto my bed and curled into a ball hugging my legs. I felt tears stream down my eyes and I tried to breathe in and out to calm myself down.

Before I knew it, I yelled into my pillow crying up a storm.

I never let so much emotions out all in 1 hour.


When I checked my phone, it said 10:30 pm.

I finished taking my shower and changing into a nightgown and decided to just lay in my bed. I listened to Alex g play through my headphones while I scrolled through instagram.

I know it's bad to sneak around but I checked Nathan's instagram and his following and then I saw the new girl he followed.

She was absolutely beautiful. I think she must've also been new because I haven't seen her in our school before. She had beautiful brown curly long hair with hazel eyes and freckles that fit around her face.

"She literally looks like a fucking model and he's fucking talking about its just some girl? Fuck him bro." I suddenly closed my phone and turned up my music higher while gripping my sheets to not try to cry again like a hopeless dog.

Enduring my tears makes me feel stronger and braver but when they finally come out, I feel so weak and useless. It sucks to barely express myself, sometime I even wish I was a little more extroverted like Nathan.

I soon heard a knock at my window which soon made me pull out my headphones in shock. I slowly got out my bed, walked towards my window, and opened my blinds.

My eyes widened when I saw him.


Im sorry i havent uploaded in a while guyss

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