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"Nathan why do you drive so fucking slow? Hurry up." Malcom started to get frustrated with Nathan driving the speed limit instead of speeding up more.

Today was Saturday and I decided that me, Malcolm, and Nathan should head over to the beach today since it's basically 96 degrees.

Malcolm has still been a little sad that he and his girlfriend broke up but he's also ready to start a new relationship and move on.

He said to me before that you can't stick to the past but you must move on from it which made me very happy since I hold a lot of grudges from the past as well.

When Nathan pulled up next to the beach, Malcolm automatically got out of the car and ran towards the sand leaving Nathan and I to take out the extra chairs and an umbrella as well with some snacks I prepared for us.

"That boy is like a child and we are like his dumbass parents." I laugh at Nathan's remark and reach up to kiss his cheek. "Well I find it adorable and he also loves the beach, baby."

Nathan rolled his eyes out of annoyance and sighed as he held 2 chairs with an umbrella.


We both walked through the sand and placed our belongings next to Malcolm's sandals which he left in the sand to play in the water.

After getting settled, I put on my sunscreen and put my chair in the sun, sitting down and automatically relaxing to tan.

I put my headphones in and closed my eyes, relaxing as the hot wind blew towards my face. I slowly turned up my music and hummed the tune "Let you break my heart again" By Laufey. Suddenly I felt myself sinking into my chair with the music surrounding me.

"One day, I will stop falling in love with you. Someday, someone will like me like I like you."

I felt a faint smile come up to my face as I felt like I was flying but my moment quickly got ruined when I felt something crawling on my skin which made me rip my headphones out my ears and look down.

I soon saw a baby sand crab wiggling on my thighs which made me scream and jump out my chair running towards the ocean.

I heard Nathan and Malcolm laugh hard as I rubbed water on my thigh still freaking out. "Malcolm what the fuck?!"

I quickly ran back to the sand towards Malcolm as he laughed and started to run away from me. When I caught up to him, I jumped on his back and made him fall into the sand as I hit and punched him. "Okay Larrea, I'm sorry! It was just a baby sand crab! Ouch!"

I suddenly stopped when I noticed from the corner of my eye that Caroline and Nathan's Parents were walking up towards us.

No fucking way.

I glanced at Nathan who glanced at me confused but I mouthed "Your parents." Nathan automatically turned his head quickly and got up angrily.

Caroline tried to wave to him but Nathan ignored her and stormed off quickly towards his parents bumping her shoulder hardly.

"Larrea can you get off now?" Malcolm mumbled muffled towards me as his face was a little in the sand.

"Oh yeah, my bad!" I got off of Malcolm who also got up quickly and brushed sand off himself.
"Why are you so rough? For a little dwarf you can really kill someone."

I noticed Malcolm roll his eyes and looked up at Nathan talking to his parents but his eyes quickly shifted to Caroline. I noticed his cheeks turn to a bright pink which made me nudge him while smirking.

"Who's that?" Malcolm quickly looked at me.

"Her name is Caroline, I'm guessing she's another one of those girls who usually drool over my boyfriend." I roll my eyes annoyed.

"I'm going to go talk to her." Malcolm had the biggest grin on his face while his cheeks were still pink. He started to walk towards Caroline and I followed him to make sure he didn't do anything weird.

I noticed Caroline looked up at him confused which made me giggle and walk away a bit to mind my business and give them privacy.

I suddenly heard Nathan silently yelling at his father which caused me to move my chair closer to them to eavesdrop.

"Daniel, can we just go home? I want to eat my leftover chipotle!" I heard Nathan's mother yell at Nathan's father.

"Quiet woman!" Nathan's father yelled back at her which caused her to storm off walking towards the driveway.

"Nathan, I don't want you with Larrea. Why can't you just have a rich, nice girlfriend? Look at Caroline!" Nathan's father pointed at Caroline a bit which kind of made me look down sadly.

"Dad, what do you not understand? I dont want that stupid fucking bitch! I want Larrea and I dont give a fuck how many times you try to presuade me that she isnt the one! You can bring 100 girls to our house and even 100 more if I were to reject the first 100 girls, but no matter how many girls you could put in my face, I will always love Larrea.

Nothing will change the way I feel about her dad! You always want to see me happy right? Im fucking happy! Im with the girl that I grew up with, the girl who would still always like to eat my food when she says shes not hungry, the girl who always worries about me even if the situation is as little as a papercut, and the girl who even fucking stays with me when im alone in that bitchass house while you and mom go out for business not giving a single fuck if I'm okay or not."

I heard Nathan's voice crack showing that he was about to cry which made me look a little towards him.

"You don't run my life because I run it myself and my life is wanting to be with Larrea. If you can't accept that then I will gladly find a job and try to move out as quickly as possible just to get away from you."

I saw Nathan's dad look at Nathan with a frown on his face but soon pulled him into a hug. I smiled a little as Nathan hugged his dad back while they both stood there for a little.

I soon saw Nathan's dad glance at me and mouthed "please keep my boy happy." I nodded my head smiling and looked away getting up to walk over to Malcolm and Caroline.

I saw Caroline laughing at Malcolm for doing a cartwheel by the ocean but failed miserably. Malcolm laughed with her and they both raced towards the ocean to swim.

I hugged my stomach and looked down smiling to myself while sighing as my hair blew a little bit in front of my face.

I suddenly felt arms go around my waist and smiled as Nathan kissed my neck.

"I want to go for a swim, beautiful." Nathan whispered a little in my ear.

I giggled at Nathan and turned around to look up at him. He leaned down and kissed my lips gently which caused butterflies to automatically erupt in my stomach.

I pulled away a bit and placed both my hands on both sides of his cheeks cupping them with a frown starting to show on my face. "Are you okay?"

I saw Nathan frown a bit but nodded his head. "I'm fine. Let's go and just ignore whatever happened." Nathan laughed awkwardly and let go of my waist walking past me quickly.

I continued to look at him walking and frowned slightly again.

You're definitely not okay Nathan.


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