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A week passed since me and Nathan cuddled that night. Even when I still think about it I get butterflies.

Me and Mei became good friends and hung out often. Mei, also being my friend, was really helpful because she knew certain things about boys that I didn't even know.

It was late at night kind of and we were laying on my bed while going through each other's phones. "So you and Nathan, are you guys like dating?" She looked at me curiously and I felt my cheeks flush pink as I looked at her back in shock.

"N-no, he's just my best friend, we don't do anything romantic like." I was lying so bad right now. I didn't know what me and Nathan were anyways even though we kissed and took each other's virginity.

He never addressed if we were a thing or not which kind of annoyed me but I would brush it off. I tried to endure my feelings for him for a while now but nothing seems to be working.

The more im with Nathan, the more i blush, smile, touch, and crave him more. Not just him in general as well, something more, you know?

"I feel like Nathan likes you and he doesn't show it." I looked at Mei quickly and she looked at me with a wooing expression. "Are you just insane? Nathan doesn't like me, even thinking about it makes me gasp!" I turned to Mei and did a dramatic gasp which made her and i laugh together.

I suddenly heard my phone ring and i read "Dummy" on my phone knowing that it was Nathan. I picked up which caused Mei to stare at me intensely with a playful but also creepy grin on her face as she eavesdropped.

"Hey Rea, what are you doing right now?" Nathan's voice sounded deep and tired like he was about to fall asleep, I blushed a little.

I looked at Mei for a little and hesitated but then looked away from her slightly quick since she still had that creepy sly grin. "Oh nothing, im just hanging out with Mei."

I heard Nathan chuckle a bit then started telling me how his parents went away for a business trip, so he was basically all alone with nothing to do which was boring.

I started to have dirty thoughts in my head about what we could do when I would decide to come over but then rolled my eyes and looked down at my fingernails. I must endure it.

After my little conversation with Nathan and Mei yelling at him about god knows what, me and Mei laid with me on my bed together as we both slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"Mei, do you believe in love?" I whispered a little bit to her trying to keep my eyes open in the process.

"Yes, i believe in love because of me and my boyfriend. He loves me with all his heart." I heard her giggle but then I chuckled and hugged my pillow a little.

"No no I mean like, in general, do you think people actually fall in love other than you and your boyfriend, do you think I could fall in love?" I felt my body get heavy as my breathing became calm and slow.

"Yes, I believe that you know you have deeply fallen in love with someone when you try to gaslight yourself and tell yourself you don't love them. You know you have fell in love when they make you feel stuff nobody else could make you feel, when they make you laugh like nobody else could make you laugh, when they touch you and make you blush and feel fuzzy all inside like nobody else could touch you and do the exact same thing. In my eyes and in my head, that's love Larrea."

I let out a smile and yawned tiredly. "Goodnight Mei." I felt Mei move a little more to get comfortable as i spoke. "Goodnight Larrea."


I woke up but i wasn't in my room, I was in a field of grass and weeds with trees surrounding. There was a sunrise in the distance that looked beautiful but I started to panic a little wondering where i am and not taking in the view.

"Hello?" I screamed out but only heard my voice bounce back. I turned back forward and noticed Nathan relaxing.

I don't know why but I hesitantly went up to him and sat next to him. I noticed his head turned towards me and he grabbed my hands gently which caused me to blush.

"I love you Larrea, be with me forever, please." He looked at it with his beautiful brown eyes which made me get lost in them. They showed desperation and sadness hoping I could feel the same.

I did. I know I did.

"I-i love you t-" before i could finish my eyes opened and i quickly awoke to Mei shaking me telling me she has to go home.

I was dreaming, this whole time.

I checked the time and noticed it was 7:00 am. Mei hugged me and left, which made me rethink my dream. I then got an idea and got out of my bed to get dressed.

I'm going to stop at Nathans and surprise him, it's Saturday anyways and i miss him.

I miss his touch also.




Lets try to become famous everyone😋🧎🏽‍♀️

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