Messed Up

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"I-i'm so sorry, i didn't watch where i was going and-" i tried to hold back my tears and wiped them quickly but the girl put her hand on my shoulder.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, you just weren't paying attention." I watched her get up and brush herself off. She offered her hand to me and i got up smiling at her a little.

"My name is Mei, its nice to meet you!" I smiled and shook her hand as she giggled. "May as in the month?" She looked at me confused then just looked down smiling. "Oh no no no, everyone says that. Its spelled M-E-I." I chuckled a little and apologized as she smiled and chuckled with me again.

She reminded me of sunshine even though she was a beautiful brunette. Usually when someone says a girl reminds them of sunshine, they immediately think of a blonde haired girl. Its totally stupid in my opinion.

"Why were you crying? Did something happen?" I looked down a bit remembering what happened between me and Nathan. "How do you know if a guy likes you?" I quickly avoided the question hoping that she could forget about it.

Mei suddenly looked at me again in confusion but then brushed it off thinking to herself. "In my opinion, I feel like a boy likes you when he is always there for you and maybe tries to hang out with you more!" I spoke to her again as many thoughts ran through my head about what Nathan does towards me.

I thought about his body language, how sometimes he looks away from me while smiling, how he plays with his hair, and how he usually loves walking with his arm hooked around mine a little, but I also thought of how Nathan would mostly avoid eye contact, sometimes would look at his phone more than me when we talked, and how sometimes he would get bored when we talk about random stuff.

I got out of my thought's when Mei gasped a little. "Oh it's Nathan, you know I met him today? He's so sweet and so handsome! He's actually supposed to be my tutor since I just moved here. I told my boyfriend about him and he said he was cool with it."

I looked at Mei in shock when she said boyfriend. "Wait, you have a boyfriend?" Mei looked at me a little and blushed to herself. "Yeah, he's not from around here though, he lives in New York." Mei giggled but all I did was look away from her still in shock.

I yelled at Nathan about this beautiful girl just for her to have a boyfriend. I messed up bad, really fucking bad.

Mei suddenly started to pull me towards Nathan but then I stopped her. "I-i have to go home, my father is expecting me to be there at a certain time! He gets worried for me." I was hoping she would leave me to go home so I could avoid talking to Nathan after doing the stupidest thing.

I felt Mei let my arm go and watched her face as she smiled at me while pulling me in for a hug. "Maybe we could talk tomorrow? You seem really awesome..." I could tell she waited for me to say my name. "Larrea, my name is Larrea!"

She pulled away from the hug and giggled a little. "Well bye lareea!" She pronounced my name wrong which kind of triggered me but I let it slide. I watched as she went up to Nathan and they started talking a little. I quickly walked away and went back home alone in my thoughts.


When I arrived home, I realized nobody was here.

I looked around and everything was nicely clean but then noticed that there was only a bottle of wine on the table with two glasses. I suddenly picked up a note that I noticed on the table then read it.

After reading it I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. My father took my mother out to eat. I know he was doing it only to try to make it up to her about all the arguments and affairs with other women that he would lie to her about.

After I did my "coming from school" routine which is almost like a night routine but instead I just shower and get comfortable so I could wait for dinner, I soon scrolled through my phone looking at Mei's instagram again and scrolled a little to the bottom.

I noticed a picture of her and a boy and I groaned to myself. "Fuck she does have a fucking boyfriend, I need to stop jumping to conclusions!" I suddenly threw my pillow on the ground and just screamed letting out all my anger and sadness that was building up inside me since the morning.

I was taken out of my thoughts once again when I heard my phone buzz. I checked it to see a notification from instagram saying that Nathan is online.

I suddenly turned off my phone and layed in my bed hugging myself trying to make myself fall asleep.

I hope tomorrow could be a better day and I hope I most definitely survive without Nathan being by my side like usual.

I knowww its a short chapterrr😔 it was way longef in my head😭

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