1: The Scent of Alcohol is Stronger Than Perfume

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CW/TW: substance abuse, abusive/toxic relationship, sexual assault, blood

Song suggestions: Lujon by Henry Mancini for the line "The jazz band retakes their place on stage and resumes playing" (Muffled jazz for the whole chapter).

Quackity's POV:

At some point, you can't hear the pleas of a soon-to-be-dead body.

At some point, you get used to the recoil of a gun.

At some point, you figure out how to wash the blood off your clothes. But for some reason, the blood of a lover never scrubs off.

* * *

The smell of perfume, alcohol, and cigarettes wafts through the packed room as I loosen my tie and step out from behind the curtain. Gazes lock onto me. The chatter quiets, replaced by the anticipating hum of an expectant audience.

"Welcome, friends and foes," My voice rings out over the crowd as I spread my arms out wide over the podium. "To the official grand opening of Las Nevadas!"

A few enthusiastic cheers erupt from the throng, followed by polite applause.

"For months, I have worked tirelessly to create a gambling and entertainment haven, and now I can proudly announce that Las Navadas has exceeded my expectations. Not only do we have gamblers and entertainers, but cheaters as well." The crowd chuckles.

"For those of you who have stood by my side, let my nation be a safe place for you, a place where you may find... refuge when no other country will accept you. And for those of you who have wronged me, I'd suggest you leave before my hospitality runs dry. Although everyone is invited, not everyone is welcome.

"With that said, I refuse to stand in the shadow of my enemies any longer, and I will only become what they could not. Instead, I will let the dazzling lights of Las Navadas overcome that shadow."

A proud grin rests upon my lips. "And lastly, drinks may be on the house, but poker has no refunds," I chuckle, dismissing the crowd with a wave of my hand, and make my way over to the bar.

The jazz band retakes their place on stage and resumes playing.

"'Drinks on the house'? You're becoming bold," Sapnap calls, a hand towel draped over his shoulder and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. "Not only do I have my work cut out for me, but our entire supply will be gone before the end of the night."

I scoff playfully. "Why do you say that?"

"You didn't see Schlatt? He came in drunk as fuck and I'm sure isn't walking out sober." Karl jokes from his perch on the bar, swinging his legs back a forth.

My heart leaps anxiously into my throat. "Fuck. Schlatt's here?" I murmur with a glance over my shoulder to survey the room. "I knew he was revived but... Did either of you invite him?"

Karl shakes his head and Sapnap shrugs, setting an Old Fashioned down on a napkin in front of me. I raise the glass to my lips--

"I did, Quackity from Las Nevadas!" Slimecicle exclaims behind me, causing me to snort the drink into my eyes. "Now is the best time to rekindle the flickering spark of love into a burning inferno of passion. Karl said--"

"Slime, you're a fucking idiot," I manage to choke out.

Karl cackles beside me as he grips the counter to steady himself. "I said nothing about an 'inferno of passion'!"

Silver Tongues and Golden Scars (WILBUR x QUACKITY / TNT DUO)Where stories live. Discover now