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Super quick, thank you to everyone who supported my silly little fanfiction! I'm so glad that so many of you guys have enjoyed reading my little gay project I started in last summer based on two characters from a dying fandom.

When I first started writing STAGS 1, it was only created to test out my writing abilities on a fairly easy plot and already constructed world. Since then, my writing, plotting, and skills have skyrocketed. What I'm trying to say is, write that fanfiction you've had marinating in your brain for the past six months. It's super fun to see your ideas actually on a page even if you don't post it.

If you do post it, send it to me. I don't care what fandom, I will devour it nonetheless.

ANYWAYS, now I know I've teased STAGS 2 all over my page in the past, but I'm here to officially confirm and announce that Silenced Tongues and Gilded Scars (AKA STAGS 2) is currently IN THE WORKS! 

It is completely plotted with upwards of 22 chapters. 

STAGS 2 is still dripping with angst, tension, fire, arson, blood, tears... other bodily fluids.

AND because you guys loved Slime's ass-shaking in the first book, he's returning with a bigger role than ever in the second one (That means triple the ass-shaking for you slow folks in the back).

And if even that isn't enough to get you hyped to read STAGS 2, I'll let you know that Wilbur becomes trained to act as Quackity's personal guard dog of sorts. You'll get a full synopsis soon (hopefully).

Finally, I'd like to remind everyone that both STAGS 1 and STAGS 2 are based off of characters, not content creators, and that I do not support the person Wilbur Soot or his actions. If anyone has suggestions to change his name, I would greatly appreciate ideas. I am currently using his given character name in the book, but I am open to reclaiming the character with a new name if needed.

Now without further ado, here's a teaser from chapter 4. (No, you do not get context.)

*  *  *

It's him. You're missing your chance.

"Wait—" I cry around the gag, despair and dread tying my gut into knots.

The shuffling in the corner of the room falls silent.

I swear I hear Schlatt's mouth open to speak, but eventually, it's Quackity's voice that carries through the darkness. "Go," is all he says.

Immediately an overwhelmingly bright shaft of light floods into the room as Schlatt stumbles out, leaving Quackity there to hesitate at the door.

"Please..." I try again, barely able to manage the word.

He closes the door with a soft sigh, his figure crowded out by the shadows surrounding him.

His silence is pressure behind my eyes and his gaze is heavy as iron, but it's just that. Quackity is looking at me.

I watch him walk forward until he is just outside of the light surrounding me. Then, he steps closer, his gaze unwavering. He stands there, silent, his eyes burning into mine.

Immediately, the light floods over his shoulders, spills onto his raven-black hair, and dips into the crevices of his face as he reaches forward to touch my face with a single gloved hand. His finger hooks over the gag and he pulls it down so that I can speak.

For a moment, all I can do is stare at him with parted lips, but the words eventually fall from my mouth. "Are you real?"

Quackity's face seems moments from breaking, but he finds a way to snuff out his emotions. "Of course I am," he murmurs coldly, pulling his hand back.

"Oh, Quackity," I whisper with some difficulty, emotion clawing up the column of my throat. "Quackity, gods, it hurts. Please–"

"Good." His voice is so detached that for a moment, I believe it really is in my head.


"I like you like this..." he chuckles. His eyes flick me up and down before he begins to pace around me. "Chained up. Helpless."

The silence returns, and then he determinedly turns around and walks toward the door.

Then the words tumble out as if there is nothing else to say, and my voice comes out in a tortured, strangled cry. "QUACKITY! Please, please don't leave me– QUACKITY– Quackity, I want you to touch me again– PLEASE–"

He pauses. His head ticks to the side as if he didn't quite hear me.

So I repeat it. "Touch me. Please. I miss it. I miss you."

Quackity turns, his gaze dark as he stares at me from within the curtain of shadows swirling around him.

"I–I'd let you beat me to death and enjoy every moment of it. Just..." When I speak, I allow passion and desperation to flood into my words. "Touch me again."

For a moment, he gives me no hint of his thoughts, but then the corners of his mouth quirk up into a cruel grin.

"Well, since you asked so... politely," He circles around me, allowing the tips of his wings to caress the crown of my head. "How do you want me to touch you?"

When he's made it behind me, I feel his fingers fan out across my shoulders and run down my back, and immediately the sensation is electric. Sparks race up my spine even after he's pulled away.

"Hm... or like this?" he purrs, kneeling in front of me and trailing his fingers up my bare chest and along the column of my throat.

I let my head fall back, euphoria pouring over my body like honey.

"Or like..." he trails off, one of his hands floating absentmindedly across my thigh. I exhale softly.

His hand slips behind my head and I force myself to look at him. "Do you like that, Wilbur?" Quackity hums, the sound settling down in my stomach. "Do you miss this?"

Quackity's thumb tilts my head back ever so slightly, his eyes trained on the scar cutting through my lip. He holds my face there for a moment.

Then, something unrecognizable shifts in the way he stares at me. He's looking at me through his eyelashes, his gaze flicking across my features as if he's never really seen me before.

I tense. "I'm sorry."

Immediately he pulls away, staring down at his own hands in disbelief and disgust. With a final hurried glance at me, he scrambles to his feet before turning and rushing for the door.

"Wait— wait, Quackity!" I shout after him, tears carving their way down my face as my body begins to shake. I try to stumble to my feet, but my legs won't even begin to hold my weight up.

Golden light streams into the room just like it did in that little bar before the explosion.

For a moment I see Quackity, legs curled around me, freckles flecked across his shoulders and up his neck, light cutting through his pale eye.

"...Do they still hurt?" he murmurs as he drags his fingers through the scar across my stomach.

"Only when I think about how I got them," I attempt softly. His eyelashes flutter as he shifts his gaze to look at me again. "But I can't feel them when I'm around you."

But the voices crowd out the memory before I can even begin to scream his name into the halo of light drowning me.

*  *  *

The release date is unclear at the moment because I was struggling with motivation to write for a few months, but I've gotten out of my slump and I will be posting writing updates whenever I can. Be patient because I'm doing my best!!

Stay tuned lovelies, because it's about time Dream gets what he deserves.

Silver Tongues and Golden Scars (WILBUR x QUACKITY / TNT DUO)Where stories live. Discover now