11: Flightless Bird

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CW/TW: Blood

Song suggestion: Flightless Bird by Roar

Quackity's POV:

Roll the motherfucking credits before it's too late for a happy ending. 

* * * 

"WILBUR DON'T!" I shriek, frantically cutting at the ropes binding my wrists with the bloodied dagger.

He strikes the match again, and the orange glow illuminates the room. It carves out the delicate details of his bloodied face, cutting under his eyes, dusting the white streak in his hair, and igniting the white of his madly grinning teeth.

The rope restraining my wrists snaps, and I throw myself at Wilbur's legs. When we tumble into the concrete, he drops the match and snarls angrily it sputters out.

I attempt to pin his wrists above his head, but he wrenches out of my grasp, throws my weight forward, and flips our positions. I'm horrified by his hidden strength, not to mention the wild grin stretching his lips wide across his usually gentle face.

As we wrestle, I can only think of a few nights before, and immediately an involuntary blush colors my cheeks.

But the lips I kissed are twisted into an unfamiliar scowl. The shirt that's meant to be white is covered in blood. 

Wilbur grips my waist, digging his nails into the skin just underneath my shirt. So, of course, I do the only reasonable thing in a situation. I bite his arm.

At that, he cries out, and I take advantage of his loosened grasp to wiggle out from under him.

I can just make out the lovely row of teeth marks on his arm.

I immediately break for the knife, but Wilbur's hand is there before I get the chance, and suddenly the dagger is in and out of my abdomen.

It's times like these when the world seems to stutter on its axis.

The weapon clatters when it hits concrete.

I stare down at the blood crawling across my shirt. 

The Wilbur who laughed with me, drank with me, sang to me, danced with me, kissed me, and made love to me has now stabbed me.

I crumple to my knees, holding the open wound and gasping when I my hand is slick with blood.

"Quackity, you never told me you loved me." Then, he strikes the match for the final time. "So I guess the only thing that we have in common is that... neither of us will be missed."

Fire flickers between his fingertips, and then it vanishes into the ground. I can't hear the sound of my own screams.

I wish things had never changed. Maybe if we ran away together this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if I told him I loved him this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if we didn't fuck this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if I had never kissed him this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if he was never revived this wouldn't have happened. Maybe if we never met this wouldn't have happened.

For just a moment, I fly. Then my wings break when I collide with the wall. It's fine. I never could really fly. Wilbur just made me feel like I could.

Everything is dark when it shouldn't be.

* * *

Wilbur's POV:

The voices go silent. Finally, they're satisfied.

Silver Tongues and Golden Scars (WILBUR x QUACKITY / TNT DUO)Where stories live. Discover now