Chapter 46 : formalization and mistrust

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The days pass peacefully. Kinn took me to see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre Museum and the Chateau de Versaille. We ate a lot of French meals, including grilled frog legs.

Kinn loves it but for my part I will gladly do without it during my next trip here.

Kinn took a lot of liberties with me. We fucked a lot, in places as unusual as ordinary. The toilets of the Château de Versaille will remember us as well as the Jardin du Luxembourg.

We are the penultimate evening before our return trip to Bangkok. Kinn invited me to a luxurious restaurant, the 6th since the beginning of our stays in France.

He asked me to dress up so I did. When I opened the bathroom door to show Kinn how I dressed, it had a certain effect on him.

I am dressed in a black shirt with short sleeves and open on my chest. I put on a medium-long necklace to fill that gap.

Kinn stares at me when he sees the baggy black pants I put on to give some value to the curvature of my body.

- Keep it up and you'll end up undressed and fucked.

I make a mischievous smile to  Kinn before melting into his arms. He puts his hands on my ass and caresses me gently.

- Tonight baby, you're going to be even happier than you have been for the past few days.

- This really is the best trip of my life, P'Kinn.

I look him straight in the eyes before kissing him tenderly.
We have been through so much.

He disappointed me many times but he managed to catch up.

I didn't think I'd say it one day but I'm really very comfortable with him now that there's no longer this work environment to put pressure on me.

Maybe if I give him a chance to be my boyfriend, I won't regret it?

Kinn has become a lot more respectable since I convinced him to be softer.

His relationship with Porsche has more than improved and I'm very happy with that too. I wanted Porsche and Kinn to get along well. It's a done thing now, we have to think about the future.

The one I want to do...with Kinn but also Porsche.

Even if there is distance between us now, it is out of the question that time and things separate us.

I like to be shared by several men.
Kinn accepts it and Porsche is also delighted with it.

We will form a couple with some particular fantasies.
It won't be a problem if we manage to find a balance in all this.

But I don't think it will be a problem.

Kinn kisses me on the cheek and we pull ourselves together.

- The time to go is approaching. We must not be late.

I nod my head and we head out of our room. Here we take more freedom to hold hands.
In France it is something that is much more tolerated.

Kinn takes me to the elevators and we step into one of them. He hugs me all the way down the elevator and we're going to return our room keys.

- I booked a taxi. We have a few minutes drive.

- Alright P'Kinn.

I kiss her when we go outside. Young people, girls, look at us with a smile before telling us that we are cute together.

I turn red hearing this. The fact that people say that I make a good visual with Kinn confirms my choice to make him my boyfriend.

We thank them and we go in search of our taxis. Someone introduces himself to us as our driver and we climb into his car.

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