The Clause

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Fortunately for you, Tobirama still had some matters to discuss with the Hokage, so that he saw no problem in staying while Mito accompanied you to your house. None of you had a teleportation jutsu as him, but your houses were not so far from one another and you weren't feeling so weak that you couldn't walk, so you just took some minutes to finally reach the front door.

The first thing you did once you were inside was to drink water: it helped you to clear up your senses and to wash away the remaining bitterness in your mouth. After that, you could breathe and talk properly. Then you took a bath and started to prepare your bed.

Mito helped you with what she could; soon everything was settled and you were sure you'd get better in some hours.

However, the conversation you started in her bathroom wasn't over.

- Y/n-san.

- Yes?

- I told you about how our actions can influence the situation between our clans and such, but I forgot to tell you something. It is more about Tobirama than about our Village and the clans, if I'm being honest.

- Really? And what is it?

You were in your bedroom now; you were on your futon, while she took a sit on a couch you had near it. You crossed your legs on the mattress as if you were about to hear a long story.

- I told many things about him, that's true, but I didn't explain why he's so attached to rules and protocols even for an advisor – she took a deep breath, as someone who had to be careful on how to speak about someone else's issues – Tobirama might not be as open about his feelings and ideals as Hashirama, but just like his brother he always wanted peace. He grew up as a warrior and the war took two of his brothers from him, as well as many friends and relatives. Of course he was not the only one who suffered with it, but to us it's clear that he never really moved on, you understand?

That was new to you.

- So... after all these years and with all these alliances, he is still afraid of war?

- Exactly. And this is just one of the things that don't let him sleep – she united her hands on her lap – I suppose you've heard about the rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

- Yes. Of course.

You knew that the creation of Konoha started with the peace treaty signed by the two clans' current heads, Hashirama and his friend, Madara. The Uchiha was not in the Village by the time you arrived and haven't returned yet; since your clan didn't have formal trades with his people, you never met him in person. But you could have news about him at any moment.

- First, let's just say that him and the Uchiha head, Madara, are not the best friends. Some time before Konoha's foundation, Tobirama was responsible for the death of Madara's younger brother, Izuna, when they faced each other in combat. Izuna was the only sibling left for Madara, so naturally he never forgot this. On the other hand, Tobirama's siblings were killed by Uchiha warriors. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

You nodded.

- Do you know about the Uchiha's kekkei genkai, the Sharingan?

- I've heard many things about their dojutsu, but never witnessed it in action.

- Indeed, most of its aspects remain a secret even for the wisest ninjas until this day. However, Tobirama has studied the nature and the development of Sharingan and found out its basis before any of us could make a statement. According to what he found out, the Sharingan is a proof that the Uchiha are moved by passion above all, so much that it has to be sealed. Otherwise, it can be quite problematic, as everything can be without discipline.

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