The Mastered Jutsu

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In a sudden change of scene, t he trees disappear ed from your sight and you saw yourself again at the village's ground, running in the middle of the street, the storm roaring in your ears, your feet swallowed by mud. Your mind or your surroundings – you didn't know which one was louder. A thunder exploded somewhere ahead you; you tried your best to ignore it, not letting your feet stop in your way to the end of the street.

When you reached it at last, your legs trembled with the vision before you: a gigantic wall of water, formed in the dark distance, was approaching at an incredible speed, devouring soil, trees and everything it found in its way, meeting the violence of the storm to form a single destructive force.

F acing this natural monster, all alone, was Tobirama, his blue armor shining at each flash sent by the skies ; his Clones were so distant that you couldn't see them from your spot. Something inside you, the shadow of a thought that didn't have time to grow into an idea, came to you as you stared at his silhouette against the flow: if you have found any other person there, you would not hesitate to agree that they would look tiny in front of such thing; h owever, you just couldn't think the same about the Senju . Somehow his initial plan to stop the flow didn't seem so absurd now – i nstead, it seemed the most logical thing to do in those circumstances.

And then everything that happened next felt so slow that you lost your notion of time, yet it passed like just one second.

Tobirama made the signs of your jutsu, his voice swallowed by the water's roar as he evoked it , and leaned his right palm on the ground. At this moment, the earth sent vibrations of its own, different from the ones caused by the flow, which reached your spot and had you shocked: the amount of chakra he infused in the technique must have been monstrous to cause such effect, and so was its result – as he stepped back the ground was split in two, creating a ditch that crossed that spot of the village from side to side, disappearing inside the woods at each direction .

You stared at the scene, unable to re act. That ditch was as large as the ones that only the most experienced shinobi in your clan would be capable of producing – you yourself had to work for years until you were able to reproduce the technique with that level of balance, and even now you still needed a moment to prepare your body before using it . Y our husband, on the other hand, not only memorized its seals in seconds but also dominated the jutsu right at the first time performing it, despite having already shared his chakra with the Shadow Clones; if they were as skilled as their original, there was a real chance that his plan was going to work. No wonder th at man had such confidence in his own capacity.

Y ou looked beyond him again, at the water, and gasped when you saw that the wall was not as high as before, its impetus diminish ing as it approached the village's territory. So it was indeed working.

But you didn't have much time to feel relieved : the water was still strong enough to drag someone away, so y ou woke up from your shock and scream ed at Tobirama. When he turned to you, you waved at him to step back .

You disguised your nervousness behind the darkness, the storm and the noises around you when he came to your side.

- Where are the Clones? – you tried to speak above the storm.

- They disappeared after creating their own ditches! – he managed to put more energy in his tone than you, so that you've heard him clearly despite the storm's roar – They done it successfully!

He didn't say that in a proud or celebrating manner; it was more of an observation. You wanted to say you were already expecting this but kept quiet about it ; instead you focused on protecting you both.

- Stay close! – you shouted, and n ot giving him any time to question what you were going to do, you made new hand signs, put ting your hand on the ground right after .

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