Chapter 5

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Naruto pov

I am all alone again. What should I do now? the court won't be there till afternoon, approximately five and a half hours later. I don't think Kiba's gonna return soon after all it's his first mission, and it's going to take him some time to familiarize himself with others

How about going to the library, that way I won't disturb others and I would also be able to analyze the situation at the palace after all bookish knowledge cannot be compared to the experience I thought as I walked towards the library. "Akamaru I know you don't like the library like lazy kiba, but today we are going there"

Akamaru grimaced as he saw the number of books on the shelves he turned and ran to the opposite room of the library

"Oh! no!! Akamaru don't" Well too late, akamaru had already entered the room. I hope it's not a secret base or anything don't want to get my head sliced the first day itself.

I sighed and followed after Akamaru, my guess is wrong for the 3rd time today its not a room but a garden?! Weird and on the 2nd floor on top of it, royals are living their life.

 The atmosphere in this garden is really majestic, the trees are tall covering the views it is like separating oneself from the world. The different flowers are adding a different feel to it especially the scent of flowing water from the waterfall. This place is so calm and quiet that i feel like i can sit here forever

Sasuke POV

 "dad for the thousandth time i don't like marrying her" I yelled at my dad, thinking about marrying a person i don't even love gives me goosebumps right now. I hate it so much how he always makes decisions for me and force me to do them like i am his dress up doll or something. He could have done all these to nii-san but nooo my freaking dad wants me to do them, give me a break.

I brushed my hair from my forehead and looked straight at my dad's eyes.

"Son the thing known as true love never exists everytime , give up on finding your so called partner or you'll be damned to stay single for the rest of your life, and marry the person i arranged for you" 

"Marry?! laughing matter dad" I scoffed "

Marriage removes the least bit of possibility in finding my soulmate, that's one of the last thing i want to do" I said and slammed the door behind dads face. He can be a nice guy sometimes, but he is always strict and stern, i can't understand what mom likes about dad.

I need to cool down right now and perfect spot for that is my garden, i walked to the 2nd floor and went to my garden 

I heard voices coming from the garden even a dogs voice weird? isn't no one allowed to enter th garden i furrowed my brows and silently hid behind a tree.

"Hey Akamaru, I'll tell you something, a certain someone told me that when you are all alone in the woods , a waterfall and all kinds of exotic flowers surrounds you, when you pray to the angel,an angel will surely appear before you" An angelic voice said

My breathing hitched as i saw his face, it was one of the most beautiful face i had ever in my entire life. The long golden hair was dancing in the wind, his blue eyes looked like the purest form of water that would break with a slight touch. If what this stranger had said is true then he should be the angel i thought suprised at how my own thoughts went

Maybe my surprise was too strong that they noticed my presence 

The golden haired boy looked at me "uh? did what he told me came true, are you realy an angel mister?" 

The boy asked me with hope in his eyes, his eyes twinkled under the sun. I couldn't break his hope atleast not now.

Um yeah" I lied nervously avoiding his eyes, luckily i didn't wear formal dress today, only plain cloth which maybe or kind of matched the description of an angel, except the fact that i am not an angel at all. 

Good thing i was in my demon form so my face was different from my usual face, let him think that i am an angel, although angels existed in this world they aren't found in my kingdom, well whatever, he's kinda cute tho, he got that adorable charm around him

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