Chapter 3: The New Student

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A few days later...


I slowly walk up to the classroom of Pokemon School. Why is it so high up? There are so many buildings, and my classroom had to be on the top floor, 100,000 feet from the ground. Not that I'm afraid of heights. I've been trying to find my brother Gladion, a foster, who doesn't remember anything about his past...

Wait, what time is it?! I check my watch. 6:59???!!! Oh geez, I have a long way to go. And school starts at 7:00!!!!! I guess I'll have to use my magic...

'No Y/N!!! What are you thinking?!' I thought to myself. 'It's better to be late than to reveal my magic! If people  see my magic...well... they'll go insane.'

I run as fast as I can, trying not to be late. Come on Y/N, you can get there on time...

Finally, standing at the entrance, just as the teacher beckoned me forward me into the classroom. I see six pairs of eyes, staring at me. Then, I see other eyes, in the back ...a very familiar pair of emerald eyes, looking away with air pods in his ears. Gladion? I pushed myself not to show my shock.

"Hello!" I said cheerfully. "I'm excited to be in this class!"

Gladion's POV

She looks oddly familiar...

"She so pretty!"

"What beautiful h/c hair!"

"She has those sparkling e/c eyes!"

"Who is she?"

"Hey... she looks a bit like that loser over there!" Ash points over to me. I quickly hide behind the pages of a book. But it's true. Same hair color, eye color... but completely different personality. I can tell. She sounds a bit like the voice in my head... 

Oh, shut up Gladion.

What is wrong with me?

I'm too deep in thought to even hear the music anymore, so I take my air pods off. Or, at least I think I do. Turns out Lillie is right behind me and pulled them off for me a bit too early.

"Listen up pinhead!" She says as she throws my air pods to the ground. 

"I'm compeletely aware of what's going on," I say.

"Hmm? Can't speak IDIOT!!!" she shouts back.

"Go away," I say calmly as I pick up my air pods and out them back on. She stays still, and sticks her tongue out at me.

"GO. AWAY." I say. She finally goes back to her seat.

"Now, where would you like to sit? There are empty desks next to Ash, Lillie, Lana, and... " he hesitates before adding "Gladion," in a sour voice.

"Pick me!"

"I want to be stuck with her the entire year!"

I can tell she's in a bit of a twist. I can see she doesn't like attention, like me. That's one similarity. 

Wait. How do I know all of this?

"I'll sit in the back!" she said. Ok, so that's either Ash or...


Oh come on, you know she'll choose Ash, trying to become champion of Alola. The popular one. The one girls always fall for.

To my surprise, she points at me.

"I'll sit next to him!" she declares, smiling. She looks so sweet...

Gladion, what are you THINKING?

Heads turn. 

"Is that girl crazy?""What is she thinking?"

"She wants to be with that loser?"

"I don't want to be with her anymore!!!"


Why do people hate me so much?

What is it about me that people hate?

Now she'll probably hate me now, like everyone else. I know it.

She sits down and plops with bag down on the desk.

"Popular for five seconds then down to bottom again," she sighs.

"And another person hates me," I mutter.

"What do you mean? I don't hate you!" she said. "I'm Y/N! I want to be good friends this year!"

A/N: Hello readers and Pokemon lovers! I'm so happy to be writing this. Thanks for the 27 views! Please read and share with other people. And sorry for the slow updates.


Memories of Champion Y/N (A Gladion x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now