Chapter 6: A Flashback And Some Battles

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Did I blurt out I was champion of Galar? Dang it, that was supposed to be a secret! Everyone thinks that wuss Leon is. Oh no, he's going to be so mad at me... It's not like he'll ever find out though.

"You're the champion of Galar? No wonder you could one-shot Lana, and one-shot all of those numb skull's Pokémon!" A shirtless guy from my class said. I vaguely remember his name started with a K, and it's some weird thing that I can't pronounce. Now that I think about it, I can really only remember Gladion's name... Gladion is the only name that makes sense! What kind of name is the remains of a burned item (A/N: For those of you who don't know, it's  Ash, she means Ash)? 

"Yeah, that was easy! Why aren't there any other stronger Pokemon trainers around here?" I wonder aloud. 

"Hey! Battle me!" The boy named Ash shouted. "I'm going to be a Pokemon master!"

"Yeah, battle Ash! He's our strongest!"

"Pokemon master? You can only be one if you beat me!" I scoffed.

"I'll beat you for sure!"

Time Skip to 5 seconds later

"Oh come on! How did I lose?"

That was easy. His Pikachu is as weak as a Magikarp. But even Magikarp evolves into something powerful.

"Hey I'll tell you my secret on how I win every battle!" I said.

"Really? How do you?!"

"I train,"

"Oh come on! I do that all the time!" Ash pouts. What an annoying kid.

"Then train harder!

"Battle me!"

"NO! Battle me!"

Why are these people crazy about Pokemon battles?

Where I used to live there were no Pokemon, and training animals was illegal. They couldn't even do this stuff. I have to admit, it take me a little while to get used to remembering that training creatures wasn't illegal.

"I don't want to battle any of you guys! If you say Ash is your best trainer, none of you are worthy for me! I want to battle Gladion!"

Gladion's POV

"Why me?"

Who would want to battle me?

I don't battle often because nobody ever wants to with me.

"You're the only one who didn't ask to battle me! Not an annoying pest, I see!"

"Don't you think because I didn't ask is because I never wanted to?"

"How strong are you?"

"Stronger than Ash, most likely. I've one-shot him before too,"

"Hey! Pikachu slipped!"

"You guys just won't admit the fact that you guys are weak, won't you? Weaklings!"

Y/N definitely didn't like Ash. Somebody finally agrees with me. But why is she so obsessed with me...?

"(She's cute...)" I muttered in f/l.

What did I just say?

Luckily, nobody seemed to hear.

"C'mon! Let's battle!"

"Flareon! it's on you!"


Timeskip to after the battle

"Finally, someone who is actually strong!"

"What do you mean? I lost,"

"You've got some bond with Umbreon! And I actually can't one-shot you!"

Bond... probably because I spend most of my time with Umbreon.

"You're so bonded with Umbreon! I can clearly see your relationship. you've most likely spent a lot more time with Umbreon than all of those jerks combined. And not just training. (I wish I were like you)!"

Like... me?

Nobody has ever said that to me.

"Um bri!"

I turned to see that Team Skull has stolen Umbreon!

"Give her back!" I shouted.

"Have you still not given up pests?!" Y/N shouted. "(If you want her, you'll have to go through me first)!" Y/N said in f/l.


"(If you want to hurt him, you'll have to go through me first!)" A girl shouted. Her h/c hair swayed in the wind and her e/c eyes sparkled. 

"(Oh we don't want him,)" A tall dark man said in f/l. "(We want you.)"

"(NOOOOO!!!! Y/N!!!!!)"

Flashback ended

Was that voice... Y/N?


Everybody looked confused.

"What did she say?" Everyone murmured.

Oops! I spoke in f/l!

What do I do now?

"Flareon! Sa--"

"Pikachu! Use Iron tail!"

What the--

"Hey! Why'd you do that?"

Umbreon fell from Team Skull's hands, scarred.

"Are you stupid Ash? Obviously, Iron tail would injure Umbreon!"

I continued to yell at Ash for about five seconds until Professor Kukui said:

"Class! Recess is over!"

"But--" Gladion faltered. He was cradling Umbreon in his arms.

"That's enough Gladion!" Professor Kukui shouted.

"Professor Kukui,"

"Yes Y/N?"

"You're a Pokemon professor, correct?"

"Yes, w--"

"You should care about Pokemon more than any of us, shouldn't you?"

"Well I--"

"You should let Gladion's poor Umbreon go to the Pokemon Center. You won't let a poor Pokemon stay injured for so long, won't you?"

"Well... I... Um..." He sputtered.

He finally lets us go to the Pokemon Center.

"Yay! We get to skip class and escape Monster Kukui!" I shouted. 

"Yeah, he's really mean," Gladion replied.

"Come on, let's hurry up. We might be able to get something on the way!"



Another chapter done! I'm really sorry about my lack of updates, I'm just so busy with school! I really hoped you enjoyed. Parentheses in dialogue mean you are speaking in a different language. If you read my newly edited introduction, you have a different language that only you and Gladion can speak, which I made f/l. This isn't that short. I again apologize for my lack of updates!

Oh! And don't be a silent reader!

-The author

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